Out­side Factors Af­fect­ing Health­care Man­age­ment

Winter semester 2024,25

€ 1,500
2 semesters, 10 ECTS
Language: German, level C1
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) 

The certificate course in Outside Factors Affecting Healthcare Management (Certificate of Advanced Studies) is a compact programme of study in which students explore the outside economic, political and legal factors affecting the healthcare sector. The course comprises two theory modules each worth 10 ECTS points and extends over two semesters.

Course participants acquire basic knowledge about the outside political, economic and legal factors affecting healthcare organisations. They are given the tools to methodically analyse and interpret health policy discussions and legislative proposals in terms of their significance to the running of healthcare organisations. The aim is to understand the main economic concerns relating to the healthcare system and to discuss how these impact the management of healthcare organisations.

This certificate course is a module of the MBA Leadership and Management in Healthcare (FMG).

Target group

Specialists and managers in the healthcare sector.

Admission requirements

The prerequisite for participation in the certificate course is at least two years of professional experience, preferably in the healthcare sector, or a completed university degree.

Opportunity to further your qualifications

The ECTS points earned in this certificate course can be credited in full to the MBA Leadership and Management in Healthcare.

Participants of the certificate course without a formal university entrance qualification acquire the university entrance qualification after successful completion of the certificate course, qualifying them for a Bachelor's degree programme at HNU.


This certificate course deals with health economics and policy as well as the legal framework of the healthcare system in a compact form.

Health economics/policy

  • Structure and financing of healthcare systems
  • Health policy
  • Case management
  • Basics of social law


  • Liability law in medicine and nursing
  • Contract law
  • Labour law

Format and teaching

The balanced combination of compact on-campus sessions and e-learning periods, as well as periods of self-study and transfer learning means that participants can complete the certificate course while continuing to work.


Upon successful completion of the course, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences awards the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) "Outside Factors Affecting Healthcare Management" worth 10 ECTS points.

[Translate to English:]

YOUR PRO­GRAMME DIR­ECTOR: Pro­fess­orin Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister

Dean of the Department of Health Management

Head of the degree programme Management for Health and Care Professions (B.A.)

Head of the degree programme Lead­er­ship and Man­age­ment in Health­care (MBA)

To profile of Professorin Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister


Who is the course for?

This certificate course is aimed at people seeking to acquire practical and up-to-date knowledge relating to outside factors affecting healthcare management relatively quickly while working at the same.

This certificate course is aimed specifically at specialists and managers working in healthcare organisations.

What are the benefits for course participants?

Course participants acquire basic knowledge about outside political, economic and legal factors affecting healthcare organisations. They are given the tools to methodically analyse and interpret health policy discussions and legislative proposals in terms of their significance to the running of healthcare organisations.

When does the teaching take place?

The certificate course can be studied part-time over the course of two semesters.

What qualification does the course offer?

Upon successful completion of the course, the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences awards the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) "Outside Factors Affecting Healthcare Management" worth 10 ECTS points.

How much does the certificate course cost?

€ 1,500

What do I need to be aware of when I apply for this certificate course on the application portal?

Please note that the certificate course is listed under the subject heading Leadership and Management in Healthcare (Führung und Management im Gesundheitswesen - FMG). In the application portal you will therefore be able ore find the course under FMG certificates.