Busi­ness Man­age­ment in Health­care Com­pan­ies II

Winter semester 2024,25

2 semesters, 15 ECTS
Language: German, level C1
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

The certificate course Business Management in Healthcare Companies II (Certificate of Advanced Studies) covers the subjects of value chain management and human resource management in the healthcare sector in compact form. The course includes two theory modules totalling 15 ECTS points and covers two semesters.

Participants of this course acquire basic knowledge concerning the critical control elements necessary for healthcare companies. They also learn methods of analysis and interpretation for structures, processes and potentials, with the aim of developing new application-oriented solutions.

This certificate course prepares participants for taking on specialist and management responsibilities, equipping them with practical and up-to-date knowledge on management and controlling in healthcare companies.

This certificate course is a module in the Leadership and Management in Healthcare (Führung und Management im Gesundheitswesen - FMG) MBA programme.

Target group

Specialists and managers in the health care sector

Admission requirements

The prerequisite for participation in the certificate course is at least two years of professional experience, preferably in health care institutions, or a completed university degree.

Format and teaching

The balanced combination of compact on-campus sessions and e-learning periods, as well as periods of self-study and transfer learning means that participants can complete the certificate course while continuing to work.


    The certificate course covers the following topics in a compact form:

    Value creation management

    • Procurement management
    • Research and development
    • Innovation management
    • Lean management
    • Supply chain management and logistics
    • Marketing and sales

    Human resource management in the healthcare sector

    • Selection, individualisation and flexibilisation of human resources
    • Personnel requirements planning
    • Compensation management
    • Occupational health management

    Opportunity to further your qualifications

    The ECTS points earned in this certificate course can be credited in full to the MBA Leadership and Management in Healthcare.

    Participants of the certificate course without a formal university entrance qualification acquire the university entrance qualification after successful completion of the certificate, qualifying them for a bachelor's degree programme at HNU.


    Upon successful completion of the course, the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences awards the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) "Business Management in Healthcare Companies II" worth 15 ECTS points.

    [Translate to English:]

    YOUR PRO­GRAMME DIR­ECTOR: Pro­fess­orin Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister

    Dean of the Department of Health Management

    Head of the degree programme Management for Health and Care Professions (B.A.)

    Head of the degree programme Lead­er­ship and Man­age­ment in Health­care (MBA)

    To profile of Professorin Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister

    Ap­plic­a­tion dead­lines

    The following application deadlines apply for all degree programmes and certificate courses:
    Winter semester: 2 May to 31 August
    Summer semester: 15 November to 31 January


    Who is this course for?

    This certificate course is aimed at professionals who would like to acquire practical and up-to-date knowledge in the field of management and controlling in healthcare companies within a relatively short amount of time and in compact form.

    This part-time certificate course is especially aimed at specialists and management staff from healthcare facilities.

    What are the benefits for course participants?

    Participants of this course acquire basic knowledge concerning the control elements essential for healthcare companies. They also learn methods of analysis and interpretation for structures, processes and potentials, with the aim of developing new application-oriented solutions.

    What is the timeframe for the course?

    The certificate course can be completed part-time in two semesters.

    What qualification does the course offer?

    Upon successful completion of the course, the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences will award participants the “Business Management in Healthcare Companies II” Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS), which equates to 15 ECTS points.

    How much does the certificate course cost?

    € 1,900

    What do I need to be aware of when I apply for this certificate course on the application portal?

    Please note that this certificate course is linked to the Leadership and Management in Healthcare (Führung und Management im Gesundheitswesen - FMG) programme. You can therefore find it on the application portal in the section for FMG certificates.