Com­pli­ance Man­ager

€ 2,400
1 semester, 10 ECTS
Language: German, level C1
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

This certificate course is designed to cover all the essential components of a compliance management system, focussing on system structure, practical implementation and interfaces to other relevant business areas. Employees and managers are fully sensitised to compliance issues and are given optimal preparation for taking on the role of a compliance manager.

Within the context of a project-based assignment, students have the opportunity to establish a solid theoretical foundation on the basis of a practical case study, followed by a presentation of their findings.

After successful completion, course participants will be awarded the "Compliance Manager HNU" Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) from the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

Con­tent and struc­ture

Violations of rules and regulations by German and international companies and the hefty fines that ensue clearly underline the importance of a functioning compliance for successful corporate management in today’s world. The central objective of a functioning compliance system is to provide assistance in complying with external and internal rules and regulations, enabling a company or organisation to effectively tackle the flood of regulations that they face.

The "Compliance Manager" certificate course addresses the below-mentioned issues in a structured manner, with the aim of providing practical assistance for setting up an effective compliance management system and identifying interfaces to other relevant areas of the company. The course content covers the basics of compliance management, which students are then able to explore in depth in the form of a project-based assignment.

This certificate course is a part-time course, comprising four basic modules and six advanced modules worth a total of 10 ECTS points. The modules consist of face-to-face teaching, blended learning and e-learning.


Target group

The Compliance Manager certificate course is aimed at managers and professionals working in compliance, law, risk management, international purchasing, sales, finance and ICS. 

Admission requirements

In order to qualify for the certificate course, you must have at least two years’ professional experience, preferably in an area related to business management applications, or a university degree.

An equivalent qualification may also be recognised as an admission requirement.


  • Basics of compliance
  • Compliance certification
  • Risk management
  • Leadership, HR and organisational development
  • Competition law
  • Corporate crime
  • Employment law
  • IT security and data protection

The content is supplemented by case studies.

Format and teaching

This certificate course can be studied on a part-time basis. The lectures usually take the form of full-day on-campus block sessions. The modules consist of face-to-face teaching, blended learning and e-learning.


This certificate course includes a written examination and practical-based project assignment that course participants work on during the course.

Upon successful completion, the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences will award you the "Compliance Manager HNU" Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) which equates to 10 ECTS points.

Anyone not taking the examinations will receive a certificate of attendance.

Ap­plic­a­tion dead­lines

The following application deadlines apply for all degree programmes and certificate courses:
Winter semester: 2 May to 31 August
Summer semester: 15 November to 31 January

Sched­ule and struc­ture

Key areas of the course

  • Legal basis of compliance
  • Organisational basis of compliance
  • Compliance and areas of responsibility
  • Embedding compliance into the business
  • Interface management
  • Requirement profile for a compliance officer


Compliance certification

  • IDW PS 980
  • Function and sequence of an IDW PS 980 test
  • Design test
  • Adequacy test
  • Efficacy test

IT security and data protection

  • IT compliance
  • Data protection
  • Information security
  • Technical support for compliance instruments: Whistleblower systems in practice

Leadership, HR and organisational development

  • Leadership and leadership personality
  • Communication and leadership
  • Conflict management
  • Motivation and goal-setting
  • Team leading and team processes
  • HR and organisational development
  • Management of development projects

Corporate example

  • Reports from the corporate world

Employment law

  • Basics of employment law
  • Employee data protection
  • General employee protection
  • The law on working hours
  • Employee monitoring
  • Termination of employment
  • Recruitment
  • Social security law and income tax regulations

Competition law

  • Basics of competition law
  • Proceedings before competition authorities
  • Consequences of violations of competition law
  • Liability in violations of competition law
  • Case study


Risk management

  • Introductions and basic terminology
  • Legal and regulatory requirements
  • Risk management system and risk management process
  • Risk culture and risk policy
  • Risk monitoring and risk communication
  • Early warning indicators

Corporate crime

  • Types and frequency of corporate crime
  • Decency, morality and ethics from a philosophical perspective
  • Breach of trust
  • Money laundering
  • Investment fraud
  • Accounting offences
  • E-crime
  • Typical corporate crime from an empirical perspective
  • Compliance systems and corporate crime


Project work

  • Processing of a practice-based case study and presentation of results



Who is the course for?

The Compliance Manager certificate course is aimed at managers and professionals working in compliance, law, risk management, international purchasing, sales, finance and ICS.

What are the benefits for course participants?

Violations of rules and regulations by German and international companies and the hefty fines that ensure clearly underline the importance of a functioning compliance system for successful corporate management in today’s world. The central objective of a functioning compliance system is to provide assistance in complying with external and internal rules and regulations, enabling a company or organisation to effectively tackle the flood of regulations that they face.

The "Compliance Manager" certificate course addresses the above-mentioned issues in a structured manner, with the aim of providing practical assistance for setting up an effective compliance management system and identifying interfaces to other relevant areas of the company. The course content covers the basics of compliance management, which students are then able to explore in depth in the form of a project-based assignment.

This course ensures that employees and managers are fully sensitised to compliance issues and are given optimal preparation for taking on the role of a compliance manager.

What does the course cover in terms of content?

  • Basics of compliance
  • Compliance certification
  • Risk management
  • Leadership, HR and organisational development
  • Competition law
  • Corporate crime
  • Employment law
  • IT security and data protection
  • Case studies

When does the teaching take place?

The certificate course can be studied on a part-time basis. On-campus sessions are generally scheduled on 2 consecutive days, typically Fridays and Saturdays.

What qualification does the course offer?

This certificate course includes a written examination and a practical-based project assignment that course participants work on during the course.

Upon successful completion, the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences will award you the "Compliance Manager HNU" Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) which equates to 10 ECTS points.

Anyone not taking the examinations will receive a certificate of attendance.