In­ter­na­tional Teach­ing

International teaching has many aspects: internationally oriented degree programmes, double degrees and international study programmes, international mobility in studying and teaching, attracting international students as well as international lecturers. The HNU sets great importance on this international networking and is constantly expanding its portfolio.

Below you will find an overview of the numerous international teaching activities in the academic years 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Degree programmes taught in English

  • Business Intelligence and Business Analytics (M.Sc.), since 2016/17
  • International Enterprise Information Management (M.Sc.), since 2016/17
  • International Corporate Communication and Media Management (M.A.), since 2018/19
  • Digital Transformation and Global Entrepreneurship (M.Sc.), from 2021/22
  • Digital Innovation Management (M.Sc.), from 2021/22

Double degree programmes

Degree programmePartner universityNumber of students
exchanged per year
Duration of contract

Busi­ness Stud­ies (BA)

Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finnland5since 2011/12

In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment and Cor­por­ate Com­mu­nic­a­tions (BA)

Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finnland5since 2011/12
Business Intelligence and Business Analytics (M.Sc.)National Technological University, Argentina15since 2016/17
International Enterprise Information Management (M.Sc.)Kingston University, UK22016/17 - 2020/21
Information Management Automotive (B.Sc.)Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finnland5since 2019/20


International lecturers

  • Dr. Dhouka Oueldoubey Habibeche from the ENSIT University of Tunis, Tunisia has been teaching the English-language course "International Management" at the Department of Business and Economics on a regular basis since the summer semester 2019. Since summer semester 2020 the course was held digitally due to the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Prof. Alicia Núñez from the University of Chile - Faculty of Economics and Business (FEN) taught in the Master of Advanced Management at the Department of Information Management in the summer semester 2020. The course was held digitally due to the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Dr. Gabriele Palozzi from the University of Rome Tor Vergata taught the specialised subject "Strategic Controlling" at the Department of Health Management in the summer semester 2020. The course was held digitally due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Courses taught in Eng­lish

In all departments, a large number of courses are offered in English. In the academic years 2018/19 and 2019/20, there were approximately 80 courses taught in English with more than 300 ECTS. These courses enable all students to study international content in English, to develop their language skills along the way and to practice teamwork with international students.

Magazine breit­seite

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Every winter semester, IMUK students in the 5th semester produce the magazine breitseite as part of Prof. Dr. Kimpflinger's "Communications Project". In this English-language course, HNU students work in teams with international exchange students.

World­wide teach­ing as­sign­ments by HNU pro­fess­ors

HNU professors regularly teach at partner universities abroad. In the academic years 2018/19 and 2019/20, 17 teaching assignments have taken place worldwide, in Chile, China, Finland, Italy, Kenya, Austria, Portugal and Thailand.

World­wide in­ter­na­tional ex­cur­sions

Every semester, HNU professors organise and accompany numerous international excursions in order to enable students to gain international experiences for their studies. In the academic years 2018/19 and 2019/20, 25 international excursions to 16 countries took place.

For­eign lan­guages

In close cooperation with the departments, the Language Centre offers general and subject-specific language courses in currently six different foreign languages and German as a foreign language. International exchange students have the opportunity to take an intensive German course at different language levels during the orientation weeks.

In­ter­na­tional guest lec­tures and teach­ing as­sign­ments

Every semester, numerous professors from all over the world are involved in teaching at the HNU, in the form of guest lectures or teaching assignments. They enrich the teaching with international perspectives and English-language lessons.

In­ter­na­tional Vir­tual IoT Hack­a­thon

As part of the "Big Data in Logistics" project (2017-2021) of the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in South Africa and the HNU, joint activities such as student exchanges, guest lecturer visits and joint summer schools take place annually. The IoT (Internet-of-Things) Hackathon is a very popular part of the cooperation.

Co­oper­at­ive sub­ject with Swedish part­ner uni­versity

The Language Centre at the HNU and Linnaeus University in Sweden carried out a joint project with students from both universities in the winter semester 2018/19, which enabled students to practise authentic business communication in English via an online video platform. For this purpose, the students developed a product or service for the other country, presented it and received feedback. The idea for the project emerged during an Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training.

Self-study course for sci­entific work

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Since the winter semester 2019/20, the English-language self-study course for academic work "How do you create an academic paper. The story of Alina and Oli." by Prof. Dr. Kocian-Dirr. This course is based on the German-language course "Bridge the Gap - Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Digital Natives", which was awarded a fellowship by the Stifterverband.

HNU In­cub­ator

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The first HNU incubator started in the summer semester of 2020: students from Israel, Croatia and the HNU worked virtually on new business ideas.

Co­oper­at­ive elect­ive sub­ject with Finnish part­ner uni­versity

Since 2017, there has been a close cooperation between the Department of Health Management and the Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK), Finland. At the centre of the cooperation is a joint elective subject on IT-based solutions for healthcare, "Smart Solutions in Wellbeing", which is open to KAMK students in a postgraduate nursing course and HNU students in health management and consists of e-learning components and a one-week mobility phase in each direction.

Sci­entific writ­ing

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Since the winter semester 2019/20, the library has been offering all its training content on YouTube for a worldwide German-speaking audience. So far, the posts have been viewed over 400,000 times.

Design Think­ing Work­shop with stu­dents from Is­rael

In the summer semester 2019, a design thinking workshop took place at Liebherr-Hausgeräte GmbH. Participants were students from the HNU and the partner university College of Management Academic Studies (COLMAN) in Israel. Together, they worked on innovative technologies for the future of the connected refrigerator.

Design Think­ing Work­shop with stu­dents from Oman

In the winter semester 2019/20, 12 students each from the HNU and the partner university GUtech from Oman, spent a compact week working on digital solutions for shop floor and order management at Fischer Verkaufsfahrzeuge in Günzburg.