In­ter­na­tional Staff Mo­bil­ity

Staff mobility includes outgoing staff mobility and incoming staff mobility of lecturers, researchers, academic and administrative staff.

Below you will find an overview of international staff mobility in the academic years 2018/19 and 2019/20.

In­ter­na­tional Mo­bil­ity of HNU Staff (Out­go­ing Staff Mo­bil­ity)

HNU employees are mobile. This applies to all professional groups: Lecturers and researchers, academic and administrative staff. The purposes are diverse, as are the destination countries.

In the academic years 2018/19 and 2019/20, a total of 127 trips abroad to 34 countries took place. 66 trips were to other European countries, while the other 61 trips were to non-European countries. These included Benin, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Iran, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Togo, the USA and Vietnam.

The top 5 destination countries for mobile staff are Finland, USA, Chile, Malta and UK.

Reas­ons for in­ter­na­tional mo­bil­ity

There are many different motivations for staff members to travel abroad. A very common reason is to attend a conference or for further education and training. Teaching at partner universities or exchanges with partners as part of a joint project are also motives for international mobility. In addition, maintaining contacts and expanding the international network are causes for travelling: visiting network fairs to meet existing partners or find new partners, as well as visiting existing and potential new partner universities, often with the aim of promoting student exchange.

Participation in conferences and further education and training are the two most common reasons for HNU staff to be internationally mobile.

Erasmus+ Staff Mo­bil­it­ies

The majority of staff mobilities in Europe took place within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. On the one hand, there is the possibility to teach at a partner university abroad (Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching), on the other hand, there is the possibility to further educate oneself in another European country (Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training).

8 out of 10 Erasmus+ Staff Mobilies were aimed at training and further education.

Op­por­tun­it­ies for fur­ther and con­tinu­ing edu­ca­tion in Europe

Participation in intensive English language courses has been particularly popular for some years. Many employees also take part in an International Staff Week at partner universities or in a workshop.  In addition, the possibility of so-called "job shadowing" is used, where the employee spends a few days at a partner university abroad in order to have an intensive exchange with a colleague from the same work area.


Every third Erasmus+ mobility aims to improve foreign language skills.


Re­search Pro­fessor Down Un­der

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In the winter semester 2018/19, Prof. Dr. Heiko Gewald spent several months on a research stay at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Together with Australian colleagues, he researched the topic of how digital resources can be used by an ageing society.

HNU re­search pro­fessor ap­poin­ted hon­or­ary pro­fessor at Macquarie Uni­versity in Sydney

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At the end of his research stay at Macquarie University in Australia, Prof. Dr. Heiko Gewald was awarded the title of Honorary Professor at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, in the summer semester of 2019.

In addition to very nice memories, I am taking a new feeling for language with me for my everyday life. [...] I can only advise everyone to take advantage of this opportunity.

Veronika Witte, International Office, Erasmus+ language course in York, Great Britain

In­ter­na­tional guests at the HNU (In­com­ing Staff Mo­bil­ity)

In the academic years 2018/19 and 2019/20, a total of 153 international guests from 27 countries were at the HNU.


Coun­tries of ori­gin of our guests

  • Australia (3)
  • Austria (1)
  • Brazil (2)
  • Canada (4)
  • Chile (3)
  • China (1)
  • Cuba (1)
  • Denmark (1)
  • Ethiopia (1)
  • Finland (5)
  • Indonesia (1)
  • Iran (1)
  • Ireland (1)
  • Italy (4)
  • Japan (2)
  • Kenya (45)
  • Mozambique (1)
  • Nigeria (1)
  • South Africa (17)
  • Taiwan (1)
  • Tansania (10)
  • Thailand (28)
  • Tunisia (9)
  • Turkey (1)
  • USA (6)
  • Vietnam (1)
  • Zambia (1)


The majority of the guests came to the HNU in the context of joint projects with the Africa Institute.  The second large group came to the HNU to participate in the International Conference on Economics, Management and Technology (IEMT), which was organised by the Department of Economics in the winter semester 2019/20. The third large group taught at the HNU, individual lessons or entire courses.

Present­a­tion of some guests

Se­lec­ted re­ports

In Neu-Ulm and Ulm you can live the local life!

Matías Lee Torres, University of Chile - Faculty of Economics and Business (FEN)