Erasmus+ Staff Mo­bil­ity for Teach­ing

Gen­eral con­di­tions

  • Employment at HNU as a professor / lecturer;
    Doctoral students who are active in teaching
  • Teaching at an Erasmus+ partner university
  • Minimum stay of 2 and maximum 60 days
  • at least 8 teaching hours per week
  • or at least 4 teaching hours and additional training (combination of teaching and training)

You as a host

  1. Invitation of company staff from Erasmus+ programme countries as guest lecturers
    Minimum duration of stay: 2 days
    Funded with HNU's Erasmus+ funds
  2. Invitation of international guest professors from Erasmus+ partner universities
    Minimum duration of stay: 2 days
    Funded with partner university's Erasmus+ funds
  3. Invitation of international guest professors from other universities
    Minimum duration of stay: 3 days
    Funded through HNU's International Teacher Exchange Programme (funds from the Free State of Bavaria)

Partner universities

Erasmus+ partner universities are all HNU partner universities located in Erasmus+ Programme countries (opens in a new window).

We have teacher exchange agreements with almost all our Erasmus+ partner universities in Europe.


In order to offer Erasmus+ mobility to as many teachers as possible, the HNU combines a phase of financial support with a phase without financial support (so-called zero grant days). In total, a maximum of four days per stay are financially supported.

The financial support consists of daily rates and travel support (funded from project 2023).

The daily rates are based on the different cost of living in the host countries:

Country group 1 (CG1)Country group 2 (CG2)Country group 3 (CG3)

* funding duration corresponds to 5 days
Czech Republic,
180.- EUR / funding day160.- EUR / funding day140.- EUR / funding day

The travel support is based on the real distance between the starting point and the destination, which is calculated with the distance calculator (opens in a new window) of the European Commission. Erasmus+ aims to reduce the environmental footprint generated by mobility abroad. Therefore, participants who use a means of transport classified as sustainable by the Erasmus+ Programme for their staff mobility can receive a supplement to the regular travel allowance. These are: Train, long-distance bus, carpool (min. 2 persons/car), bicycle. For tips on alternative travel options and sustainability, please visit the Green Erasmus Portal (opens in a new window).

DistanceTravel Support (regular)Travel Support (sustainable)
10 - 99 km23.- EUR-
100 - 499 km180.- EUR210.- EUR
500 - 1,999 km275.- EUR320.- EUR
2,000 - 2,999 km360.- EUR410.- EUR
3,000 - 3,999 km530.- EUR610.- EUR
4,000 - 7,999 km820.- EUR-
8,000 km and more1,500.- EUR-

Additional funding for special needs

One focus of the Erasmus+ Programme is social participation and equal opportunities. For this reason, access to the programme is made financially easier for participants with special needs.

Participants with a degree of disability of 20 or more or a proven disability / a chronic illness, that will lead to additional costs during the stay abroad, as well as participants starting their mobility abroad with child(ren), are entitled to apply for the assumption of real costs. In this case, the application amount (max. 15,000 .- EUR / mobility) is calculated according to personal needs and paid out in addition to the regular Erasmus+ funding.

For more information on the Erasmus+ additional funding, please visit the NA DAAD website (opens in a new window).

Financing: Sample calculation

5-day Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching in Oulu, Finland

Travel support: 360.- EUR (distance: 2,062 km)

Accommodation support: 720.- EUR  (4 subsidized days with 180.- EUR / day)

Total funding: 1.080.- EUR 

Procedure: Teaching abroad

The suitable stay abroad

  • Choose an Erasmus+ partner university of the HNU in an European country where you would like to teach. Teaching can take place, for example, as part of an individual visit or an organized Staff Mobility Week.
  • The International Office provides information on the intranet about current offers from partner universities and other institutions, and will be happy to assist you in contacting your desired host institution.

Application for financial support

  • Apply online to the International Office of the HNU.
  • After your application has been reviewed, you will be notified whether and how much financial support you can receive. However, Erasmus+ funding always represents only partial funding.

Planning your mobility

  • Contact the partner university to plan your individual teacher mobility or apply for participation in a Staff Mobility Week for Teaching.
  • As soon as an official invitation from the partner university is available, please inform the International Office of the HNU.

Travel Booking

  • Once all the necessary Erasmus+ documents have been submitted, the promised subsidy amount can be used directly when booking the trip via the Finance Department . If the trip is cheaper, the difference will be paid out to you. This amount must be taxed accordingly. If the trip is more expensive, the difference must be financed from another source (usually the faculty). If the trip is cancelled, all Erasmus+ funds already used must be refunded or balanced by the travel expenses budget of your faculty.
  • For the organizational procedure of travel bookings please have a look at the information provided by the Finance Department on the intranet. As a rule, the "Reiseorganisation" in the Finance Department assist you with all organizational preparations such as train or flight and hotel bookings. The International Office is not involved in the travel bookings. Please also enquire whether you need to apply for and carry an A1-Bescheinigung for your business trip. You can find more information on this on the intranet under Reiseorganisation.
  • Please also note the information provided by the host institution of your teaching abroad.

Erasmus+ documents and commitments

  • Before you start your stay abroad, your HNU travel application, the Mobility Agreement and the Grant Agreement must be completed and signed by all parties and submitted to the International Office of the HNU.
  • After your stay, you must submit a Certificate of Attendance signed by the partner university and complete the EU online survey on your experience abroad.

Procedure: Invitation of company personnel

Application for financial support

If you are interested in inviting company staff from other European countries, please contact the International Office of the HNU. After examination of the request you will receive a message about whether and to what extent your guest can receive a grant from EU Erasmus+ funds.

Grant payment

As soon as all necessary documents have been submitted, your guest will be paid the promised subsidy amount. If the trip is cancelled, the participant has to refund all Erasmus+ funds already received.

Erasmus+ documents and commitments

Prior to the start of the visit, the International Office must receive a letter of invitation from the HNU for the guest, as well as the Mobility Agreement and the Grant Agreement, duly completed and signed by all parties. At the end of the stay, your guest must submit a Certificate of Attendance to the International Office from the HNU and complete the EU online survey.

Im­port­ant links

Katja Schuster

Katja Schuster

Deputy Head of the International Office

Erasmus+ Coordinator

Coordinator Mobility-Online

Phone: +49 731 /9762-2105

Location: Main Building A, A.1.13

To profile of Katja Schuster