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Tom in South Africa

10.04.2024, Study Abroad :

Tom spent a semester at our partner university in Cape Town, South Africa. You can find out more about his stay abroad here.

7th Semester
Cape Town, South Africa
July to December 2023



What was your main motivation to go abroad?

I love to travel and experience new cultures and nature, so it has been clear since the beginning of my studies that I definitely want to spend a semester abroad. Since European cultures are partly very similar to German culture and I have also had the opportunity to experience many European countries through holidays, I definitely wanted to go to a different continent for my semester abroad. It has always been a dream of mine to go to Africa. On the website of HNU, I saw that there are partner universities in South Africa to choose from, and it quickly became clear which one would be my first priority in selecting the location for my semester abroad. Especially the partner universities around Cape Town immediately appealed to me. Additionally, I hoped to improve my English, establish international networks, and experience adventures during the semester abroad.

 I was able to experience incredible adventures and make friends for life.


What were your biggest concerns?

My main concerns were whether I would quickly make connections and friends, and the safety in Cape Town. Directly on the second day, I found friends from Belgium, and they also became friends for life. Over the first few weeks, I got to know more and more new people, and so we became a group with whom we actually met up every day. Especially the orientation week at the university was a great opportunity to get to know all the international students. Moreover, the people in South Africa are totally open, helpful, and friendly. During the orientation week, we were also informed about possible dangers and how to deal with them. If you stick to the unwritten rules, nothing will happen to you in Cape Town, and you can still move freely almost everywhere.

Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

I would definitely recommend undertaking a semester abroad, and Cape Town is an ideal place to do so. I had some incredible experiences and adventures and made friends for life. The semester abroad was by far the best semester of my studies. I found it very exciting to get to know the foreign culture, and the whole the atmosphere of Cape Town completely captivated me. I will also never forget the weekend excursions. My friends and I took road trips to the Kruger National Park and Panorama Route, Garden Route, and Cederberg Mountains and were able to get to know the whole of South Africa. Most of the time, I only had lectures in the mornings and was then able to experience lots of exciting things with my friends in the afternoons. There are so many things to do and see in Cape Town. Whether hiking, surfing, wine tasting, lying on the beach, or marveling at unreal sunsets, there is something for everyone in Cape Town.

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

During my time in Cape Town, I was able to gather incredibly wonderful experiences that I will remember for the rest of my life. I built an international network and made friends for life. Through the university, I gained fascinating insights into the South African everyday life as a student and found it very interesting to explore the different economic perspectives, as South Africa faces entirely different challenges than Germany. My English also significantly improved through the semester abroad. I hope I can also bring back to Germany the positive mindset and the joy for life that every person in South Africa radiates.

Were your expectations met?

My expectations were more than exceeded. I fell in love with the city of Cape Town and its people. I hope to soon have the opportunity to travel to South Africa again. Through the semester abroad, I was also able to fulfil childhood dreams such as going on safaris, observing the Big Five, and learning to surf.

University of the Western Cape in Bellville, Cape Town

 Is there anything you would like to highlight about your experience abroad?

The most amazing experiences were the excursions and road trips with my friends. I really enjoyed that everyone in Cape Town was completely open and friendly. Cape Town and its surrounding areas offer an incredible leisure value.

Fun Fact

One thing I had to get used to in South Africa was the planned power blackouts. As South Africa is a very large country with many inhabitants, it cannot supply everyone with electricity. The country tries to overcome this shortage with planned power cuts. In an app, you could view the times for the respective neighbourhood and plan your daily routine. A power outage usually lasted an hour and a half and could vary depending on the season, from 3-4 times a day in winter to almost never in summer.

Im­pres­sions of South Africa