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Hü­seyin in Fin­land

14.02.2024, Study Abroad :

Hüseyin spent a semester abroad at our partner university in Oulu, Finland. Find out here what impressions the WIN student made there.

Study Programme
7th Semester
Host Institution
Oulu UoAS (OAMK)
Oulu, Finland
August to December 2023

What was your main motivation to go abroad?

One of the key incentives for my decision was Finland's highly acclaimed education system, one of the best in Europe. The opportunity to study in this environment gave me an insight into innovative teaching methods and a comparison with my previous experiences. Another key aspect of my stay in Oulu was the longing for an authentic winter experience. The opportunity to experience real winter conditions and see the mesmerising Northern Lights fulfilled my expectations and broadened my horizons in terms of climatic diversity and natural phenomena. The challenge of living alone while expanding my social skills with people from a completely different culture was a significant personal development. Being independent in a new environment not only enhanced my personal maturity, but also allowed me to form valuable international friendships. This experience has strengthened my intercultural sensitivity.  As English is the language of academic exchange, the semester abroad in Oulu helped me to perfect my language skills and communicate more fluently. This aspect will significantly improve not only my studies but also my career prospects in a globalised world. Overall, my semester abroad in Oulu was a time full of academic, personal and intercultural enrichment. It was an experience that expanded my comfort zone, exposed me to new challenges and gave me unforgettable memories in a country with rich cultural diversity.

Oulu offers a strategically favourable location for exploring fascinating regions such as Lapland.


What were your biggest concerns?

Before I started my semester abroad, I had various concerns, but these were successfully overcome over time. One of my initial concerns was the financial burden, as the Erasmus grant was only enough to cover the rent. Fortunately, I was able to overcome these concerns through a combination of money I had saved myself and the generous support of my parents. This financial security allowed me to focus on my studies and my local experience without constantly worrying about money. Another significant issue that occupied my thoughts was the uncertainty of whether I would be able to live alone and organise myself independently. Challenges such as cooking and self-organisation seemed quite big at first. Nevertheless, I was able to successfully overcome these concerns. Not only did I learn to cook independently, but I also learnt to use my time more efficiently and manage financial resources better. This self-reliance has not only strengthened my everyday skills, but also increased my confidence in tackling new challenges. Another aspect of my initial uncertainty was the question of whether I would be able to make friends quickly. However, this worry turned out to be unfounded as I realised that the people in Oulu are extremely open and friendly. The local community was very supportive and it was easy to establish new contacts. This experience has taught me to be more open to people and has led to meaningful interpersonal relationships. I also had concerns about the language barrier, especially whether the locals would speak enough English. Although many of them prefer their own language, I was pleasantly surprised that most of them speak English well. This realisation made communication much easier and enabled me to integrate easily into my new environment. Overall, I not only went through personal growth processes, but also experienced a successful and enriching time during my semester abroad in Oulu.

Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

Yes, I would definitely recommend a stay abroad. Studying abroad offers a multitude of benefits that go far beyond academic learning. Here are some reasons:

  • Cultural experience: Studying abroad allows you to experience a new culture first-hand. You immerse yourself in local traditions, customs and ways of thinking, which leads to a deeper understanding of the world. This promotes intercultural sensitivity and broadens your horizons.
  • Personal development: The challenges associated with a stay abroad promote personal development. Overcoming language barriers, living alone in a new environment and coping with cultural differences strengthen independence, self-confidence and problem-solving skills.
  • Academic growth: Studying at a foreign university provides access to different teaching approaches and methods. This not only expands subject knowledge, but also promotes critical thinking and the ability to adapt flexibly to different learning environments.
  • Network building: Contact with people from different parts of the world creates valuable international networks. These contacts can be useful not only during your studies, but also later in your professional life.
  • Language skills: A stay abroad offers the ideal opportunity to improve language skills. Daily contact with the local language not only promotes language skills, but also an understanding of cultural nuances.
  • Unforgettable experiences: The variety of experiences gained during a stay abroad creates lasting memories. Whether it's exploring new places, meeting fascinating people or experiencing unique events, it all contributes to an unforgettable time.

All in all, a stay abroad offers the opportunity for personal, cultural and academic growth. These experiences not only influence your time as a student, but also your entire life. Therefore, I would encourage everyone to take the opportunity to study abroad.

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

During my time abroad, I gained a variety of valuable experiences that have had a lasting impact on my personal development. The direct confrontation with a new culture has greatly enhanced my intercultural sensitivity. This experience gave me a deep understanding of cultural differences, which in turn deepened my tolerance, empathy and ability to deal with diversity. The challenges that came with a new environment, whether it was living alone or adapting to a foreign language, strengthened my independence and self-confidence. The flexibility I developed in unexpected situations became a valuable skill that is also useful in other areas of life. The contact with people from different countries and cultures enabled me to build up an international network. These contacts not only proved to be enriching during my stay, but will also be invaluable later in my professional life. Using the local language on a daily basis has significantly improved my language skills. Not only formal communication, but also the informal, everyday use of the language has helped me to express myself more fluently and confidently. Overcoming challenges, whether in terms of study requirements, social life or day-to-day survival, led to a noticeable personal maturity. The development of solution strategies and prioritising became key skills
that I will be able to apply in the rest of my life. The variety of experiences abroad broadened my horizons and changed my perspective on my own life and the world. Seeing things from new angles led to a more open perspective and a deeper understanding of different ways of life. The accumulated memories of adventures, new friendships, cultural discoveries and personal growth create lasting impressions. These experiences have shaped my personality and will stay with me for the rest of my life. Overall, I can say that my stay abroad offered the opportunity for a holistic development, which has had a positive influence not only on my studies, but on my entire life.

In Finland, you can most frequently admire the Northern Lights from late August to April

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your experience abroad?

Definitely. During my semester abroad, there was one outstanding experience that particularly enriched my time there. The opportunity to visit the other Nordic countries such as Norway and Sweden broadened my perspective and made my experience abroad even more diverse. Although it depended on my financial situation, I went for it and it was absolutely worth the effort. The opportunity to explore the nearby Nordic countries allowed me to fully embrace the cultural diversity of this region. Travelling to Norway and Sweden has not only further strengthened my intercultural awareness, but has also helped me to develop a broader understanding of the Scandinavian way of life. I would like to emphasise that Oulu is strategically located to explore fascinating regions such as Lapland. The proximity to these unique places has allowed me to experience the breathtaking nature of Lapland, including the magical Northern Lights and the unspoilt beauty of the Arctic landscape. Extending my experience abroad beyond the borders of Finland made my time in Oulu an unforgettable and rich experience. It made it clear that a semester abroad is not limited to the specific study location, but also offers the opportunity to explore and appreciate the beauty and diversity of the surrounding countries.

Fun Fact

Finns have a deep love of the sauna. In fact, there are more saunas in Finland than cars! The sauna is an integral part of Finnish culture, and it's not uncommon for families to even have their own sauna at home. It's worth noting that despite their love of the heat, the locals also appreciate the cold climate - it can easily reach temperatures of minus 30 degrees Celsius in winter.

Im­pres­sions of Fin­land