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Nina and Em­ilie in Tan­zania

20.12.2023, In­tern­ship Abroad :

Nina and Emilie are studying in the Bachelor's programme for Physician Assistant and completed their clinical traineeship in Moshi, Tanzania. Here you can read about the experiences they had during their medical internship.

Emilie and Nina
Study Programme
3rd Semester
Kilimanjaro Christian Med. Centre
Moshi, Tanzania
September to October 2023



What was your main motivation to go abroad?

We wanted to experience a healthcare system with all its differences and challenges in a significantly less developed country than Germany. Additionally, we were very interested in the African culture and way of life there.

What were your biggest concerns?

Before our journey, we had some security concerns since Tanzania (especially for women) is considered quite dangerous. Even on-site, we did not always feel completely safe. However, as we were mostly in a larger group, it was manageable. Additionally, our accommodation was well guarded and we had a very trustworthy taxi driver who took us everywhere. Short distances could be covered on foot during the daytime, but definitely not recommended after dark. Since we only had basic information about the entire stay before starting our clinical internship, we wanted to go in pairs to ensure that we wouldn't be completely on our own in a worst-case scenario. Looking back, these concerns were totally unfounded. Almost all of the approximately 40 international students who were there at the same time came alone and you can easily find companionship even if you are alone.

We had an incredibly wonderful and educational time there and we never regretted for a second not completing our clinical traineeship in Germany.

Emilie and Nina

Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

Yes, absolutely! We had an incredibly wonderful and educational time there and we never regretted for a second not completing our clinical traineeship in Germany. Since we spent our time there with students from all over the world, there was always something going on and we took many great trips outside of the hospital! However, the differences between Tanzania and Germany are enormous, especially regarding healthcare and sometimes they are really hard to overlook. At the beginning, it was definitely a big step out of our comfort zones. You get used to the conditions in the hospital fairly quickly, but one should be aware that every day you come into contact with people suffering from sometimes severe, highly contagious diseases like leprosy or anthrax. Since there are no extensive protective measures for the staff, we put on our FFP2 masks upon entering the hospital and adhered to strict hand sanitization, even though the local doctors often did not take such measures themselves.

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

Many different impressions in the hospital, both positive and negative. New friendships and experiences that we will never forget! Above all, a heightened sense of gratitude for being able to lead such a privileged life in Germany by comparison.

Were your expectations met?

Absolutely! We didn't think too much about it beforehand; we just wanted to see what would come our way. We never thought that we would end up having such a fantastic and exciting time there!

Sunset watching at the pharmacy with a view of Mount Kilimanjaro, the evening ritual of the students

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your experience abroad?

Highlighting, not necessarily. All our experiences together made our time there unforgettable.

Fun Fact

People from Europe all look absolutely the same to the locals. We were always mistaken for twins, even though, in our opinion, we share very few physical similarities. Someone once said to us: "You girls look similar like eggs!"

Im­pres­sions of Tan­zania