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Nikola Finze in Ice­land

14.09.2023, Train­ing :

Nikola Finze works at the Center for Research on Service Sciences (CROSS) and participated in a research project at the Reykjavik University. You can discover her experiences here.

Nikola Finze
Center for Research on Service Sciences (CROSS)
Erasmus+ Staff Training Week
Host Institution
Reykjavik University (RU)
Reykjavik, Iceland
March 2023

What was your main motivation to go abroad?

The main motivation for my stay at the Reykjavik University was the interest in a fascinating research project. I was eager to delve deeper into the project, meet the people involved and, of course, explore the impressive landscapes of Iceland.

Iceland is a breathtaking travel destination. There is so much to see and do - from exploring the city to visiting volcanoes, bathing in natural hot springs and climbing glaciers.

Nikola Finze

Did you have any concerns?

I had few concerns when embarking on my journey, except for the question of how to best prepare for average temperatures of -10 degrees Celsius. In this regard, it was extremely helpful to communicate with the on-site staff, who were able to provide me with valuable advice.

Would you recommend going abroad? Why?

Absolutely! A stay abroad is a unique experience that I can highly recommend to everyone. Iceland is a breathtaking travel destination. There is so much to see and do - from exploring the city to visiting volcanoes, bathing in natural hot springs and climing glaciers. It's an opportunity to immerse yourself in a different culture, grow personally and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Fun Fact

Icelanders have a very fitting word for a phenomenon that we encounterd almost daily during our stay: "gluggaveður", which literally means "window weather". It describes weather that looks wonderfully warm and sunny from indoors but is actually bitterly cold. Throughout my stay, we had a constant -10 degrees Celsius, clear blue skies and sunshine, often leading to the mistake of dressing too lightly.

What did you learn form your stay abroad?

My time abroad was incredibly enriching, both personally and professionally. Reykjavik University provided an inspiring environment where I could gather many exciting insights. Interactions with other PhD students expanded my perspective on new topics. Additonally, the encounters outside of the university, the stunning nature of Iceland and the culture of the country have had a profound impact on me. I formed new friendships, expanded my network and learned a great deal about myself.

A view of Reykjavik

Were your expectations met?

Yes, my expecations were definitely met and even exceeded. Both the personal experiences I gained, the people I met and the breathtaking nature of Iceland made my stay abroad an unforgettable time. The local hospitality and openness deeply impressed me and I felt welcomed and well taken care of from the very beginning. In addition to the interesting research project of Reykjavik University, I had the opportunity to explore the beautiful country, from majestic glaciers to impressive Northern Lights.

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your experience abroad?

Despite the constant temperatures of -10 degrees Celsius, there was much to experience and discover. The cold didn't deter us from exploring the country and making the most of our time there. Iceland is an impressive country with a fascinating culture, friendly people and breathtaking nature.

Im­pres­sions of Ice­land