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Melanie Jak­ubow­ski in Malta

30.11.2021, Train­ing :

Melanie Jakubowski attended a language course in Malta. You can read about her impressions here.

Melanie Jakubowski
Information Management
English language course
Host Institution
Exec. Training Institute Malta
St. Julian's, Malta
November 2021

What was your main motivation to go abroad?

As English literature is also read in a professional context and English is spoken with cooperation partners, my main concern was to improve my language skills. In addition, I was also very curious about the country of Malta with this Erasmus+ offer.

A stay abroad is beneficial in so many ways.

Melanie Jakubowski

Did you have any concerns?

The language course was already planned for the beginning of 2020. Due to the pandemic, it had to be postponed. It was not certain for a long time whether and when it could take place. Thanks to the good exchange with the International Office team and the language institute, secure framework conditions were created and the course could then be attended at the end of 2021.

Would you recommend going abroad? Why?

A very clear "yes". A stay abroad is beneficial in so many ways. Be it for personal development, the skills gained or motivation to return to everyday work after such an experience. Everyone who is open to this experience should take advantage of the opportunity to get to know another country, its culture and its people.

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

Malta is an incredibly fascinating country. Even though it is part of Europe, one notices the many Arabic influences, which are also reflected in the Maltese language. There were many unforgettable impressions. It was definitely not my last visit to the island.

View of the "Three Cities of Malta" from the upper Barraka Gardens in the capital Valetta

Were your expectations met?

The language course was good and the lecturer was very committed. I would have liked the language level to be a bit more challenging. Thanks to the networking events on site, I was able to find a language tandem partner from Spain with whom I am still in contact.

Fun Fact

Malta's landscape is truly fascinating. There are no forests, mountains, lakes or rivers on the archipelago. But instead, the island is one of the most popular locations for filming. It was great to be able to visit some filming locations live, for example from the series "Game of Thrones".

Im­pres­sions of Malta