In­sti­tu­te for Lo­gis­tics, Risk- and Re­sour­ce Ma­nage­ment (ILR)

Welcome to ILR. The Institute for Logistics, Risk- and Resource Management (ILR) is a research institute of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU). It is the result of a merger of the former Institute for Risk and Resource Management (RRM) and the Competence Centre of Logistics (CCL) in 2019. As such, the ILR continues and bundles the activities of RRM and CCL.


Lo­gis­tics La­bo­ra­to­ry

Re­se­arch & Trans­fer

Con­fe­ren­ces & Events

Op­por­tu­nities for Stu­dents


Re­se­arch Do­main

