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In­nov­at­ive IT solu­tions: Stu­dents de­velop pro­to­types for prac­tice part­ners

05.06.2024, Study :

Preparing students for the diverse challenges of a modern business world in which IT is playing an increasingly important role: This is the goal of the master's course “Business Value Creation with IT”, which Prof. Dr. Andy Weeger and Prof. Dr. Arne Buchwald have implemented at the Institute for Digital Innovation (IDI) at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU). Within this framework, the students regularly analyze various challenges facing regional companies and develop IT-based solutions. This year's topics were provided by Mercedes Benz Tech Innovation (MBTI), Wilken and the Ulm Chamber of Crafts.  

Working in interdisciplinary teams, the students from the Strategic Information Management (SIM) and Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) degree programs identified possible approaches for addressing the different challenges of the three practice partners using IT. In order to exploit the potential of the approaches and create real added value for the companies involved in the project, the students each developed a functional prototype that depicts the core functionalities - a so-called “minimal viable product”.

Innovative ideas in the areas of cybersecurity, healthcare and further education

With Mercedes Benz Tech Innovation (MBTI), Wilken and the Ulm Chamber of Crafts, three renowned companies and institutions in the region provided current challenges.

  • MBTI: In the area of cybersecurity, the students worked on advanced threat modeling using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the security and robustness of the company's software development.
  • Wilken: The focus here was on effective support in the selection of a suitable provider for mental illnesses in order to optimize healthcare for citizens.
  • Ulm Chamber of Skilled Crafts: In this challenge, the students focused on improving the training of skilled workers in skilled crafts companies through innovative digital services and solutions.

The President of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser, emphasized the importance of the course's practical orientation and regional anchoring: “Close cooperation with regional and national partners is a central component of our strategy to offer our students practical and relevant learning opportunities.”

For Prof. Dr. Andy Weeger, the cooperation with well-known companies represents a unique opportunity for students to test their skills in real projects - “optimal preparation for future professional challenges”. Prof. Dr. Arne Buchwald emphasized that this falls on fertile ground with the committed course participants: “Our students have once again shown that they are able to meet complex challenges from business practice with innovative solutions.”

The project results were presented at a final event attended by representatives of the three partner companies. They were impressed by the innovative and promising approaches with which the students made a valuable contribution to solving the challenge set.

Closing ranks between theory and practice: a trademark of HNU

HNU is looking forward to continuing and expanding these successful collaborations in the coming semesters. The IT Executive Circle (ITEC), among other things, also offers companies points of contact. Interested parties can contact Prof. Dr. Andy Weeger.
The combination of theory and practice is a central element of the university and strengthens its position as a leading institution in the field of digital innovation.

Contact person
Prof. Dr. Andy Weeger