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HNU stu­dents on an ex­cur­sion to Fin­land

20.12.2023, Study :

International business and cultural understanding: 15 students from Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) went on an excursion to Oulu, Finland, from 20 to 24 November under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang and Prof. Dr. Jens Pätzmann. In addition to insights into the Finnish economy and participation in a business fair, the program also included a hackathon with students from the Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OAMK).

Over the course of the week, the students gained a deep understanding of the Finnish economy through a variety of activities and encounters. One of the highlights was the insight provided by Mari Viirelä from the Chamber of Commerce. A particular challenge was dealing with the aspects of waste management, presented by Olli Laitinen from Kiertokaari Oy, as well as developing solutions for a circular economy.

Participation in a business fair, where the students explored the latest AI tools, also provided an opportunity to make direct contact with the Finnish business world. The excursion ended with a two-day hackathon in which students from both universities worked together and presented new ideas and concepts. This experience emphasizes HNU's commitment to a practical and international education that prepares students for global challenges.

"This excursion to Oulu was a unique learning experience that opened up indispensable international perspectives for our students," said Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang, summing up the week-long learning trip. Prof. Dr. Jens Pätzmann added: "The trip provided a valuable opportunity to integrate academic knowledge into real, international contexts. The students not only developed innovative concepts, but also gained real insights into the international business world."