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New at HNU: Prof. Dr. Jo­hannes von Gehlen

12.12.2023, Faces :

Growth in the field of business psychology: Prof. Dr. Johannes von Gehlen joined the Faculty of Business and Economics at HNU in the winter semester 2023/24. In addition to several years of teaching experience, the doctor of psychology also brings practical experience as a systemic consultant in the field of organizational development and learning culture development. In this interview, he tells us what chocolate has to do with his career choice and which country he is particularly enthusiastic about.

Prof. Dr. Johnnes von Gehlen

Prof. Dr. Johannes von Gehlen
Professor of Business Psychology


Can you tell us something about your ca­reer to date?

I grew up in a traditional family business in the third generation - I started working at the age of 14.  Then it was off to the big wide world: a year in South Africa (civilian service), a few months in Spain, half a year in South America during my psychology studies, a year in California during my dissertation. I did experimental research in the field of cognitive psychology. My topic was attention processes, which fascinated me then as they do today. Professionally, after gaining some experience, I started my own business as a systemic consultant in 2018. My focus is lifelong learning and the topic of learning culture development. I was also a freelance lecturer and later a part-time professor at a private university.

What are your main areas of teach­ing and re­search and what are you par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested in at the mo­ment?

As far as my research is concerned, attention is the most valuable resource in the world today. Companies invest billions to bind "users" to screens, products or services. So how do we focus on the essentials? What conditions must companies create so that employees can work with concentration and focus? And how does lifelong learning work in organizations in this VUCA world full of information?
In teaching, I specialize in general psychology and biopsychology, both of which I enjoy very much. I am currently also building up a focus on business psychology in the Business Administration degree program.

Per­sonal de­tails

My area of expertise in three words:
... Communicating knowledge in an understandable way 
HNU is:
... full of possibilities
This is my favorite sentence to hear from my students:
"We did that two years ago - I still remember it."
My current reading:
Aggression in Play Therapy - Lisa Dion; Fooled by Randomness - Nassim Taleb; Stolen Focus - Johann Hari
My next project/publication:
Servant leadership, error culture and employee motivation in times of crisis
The first thing I do at my desk in the morning:
Put aside a pile of loose scraps of paper with important notes floating around, which I will be frantically searching for a few days later
What's always on your desk?
Just the essentials - I'm pragmatic.

Why did you be­come a pro­fessor?

During my doctorate, I had a flatmate who sold chocolate to luxury hotels. She was the best salesperson in her company in Europe. One day I asked her what motivates her. She said she enjoyed the whole process of the sales pitch from start to finish.
I feel the same way about teaching. It's the process of imparting knowledge itself that motivates me. I'm constantly thinking of new ways to develop my content didactically or in terms of content, trying out new ideas, failing regularly and trying something else again until something works really well.

What can people learn at your events?

I hope that, in addition to specialist knowledge, skills such as self-reflection, authenticity and self-efficacy will also be developed.

How were your first few months at HNU?

I have the feeling that I arrived quickly. This was not least due to colleagues and employees who made it easy for me to get started.

What brought you to Neu-Ulm at HNU? What do you like about the re­gion?

I actually applied because HNU is simply closer to my home in Kempten than my previous place of work in Munich. When I came to HNU for the first time for a trial course, I was thrilled: a modern building with good facilities (I've been to other universities) in green surroundings. I particularly like the park next door and when I found out that there was an Africa Institute, it was a perfect fit.

What is your fa­vor­ite thing to do when you are not teach­ing and/or re­search­ing at HNU?

I like to move between gardening and crypto or derivatives trading, trips to Africa and cooking evenings at home with friends.

Either | Or

Sushi or spaetzle? Spaetzle

Camping or hotel? Hotel 

Book or movie? Book

Allgäu Alps or Lake Constance?  As I live in the Allgäu, the Alps of course

Coffee or tea? Both

Bicycle or car? By car 

Sofa or armchair? Sofa with my wife 

Paperwork or notebook app? SDepending on

Forest walk or city trip? Both in regular balance