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"Is a Storm Passing Over Ger­many?" Dr. An­dreas Lugert talks about the fu­ture of in­dus­trial pro­duc­tion at the HNU Man­age­ment Forum

13.10.2023, Uni­versity News :

"Does industrial production still make sense in Germany?" Dr. Andreas Lugert, Global Head of Operational Excellence at Liebherr, spoke on this question at the Management Forum of Neu-Ulm University (HNU) on October 11. The expert provided valuable insights into Liebherr's current projects and presented arguments in favor of investing in Germany as a business location.

With a turnover of 12.5 billion euros, 51,000 employees worldwide and 140 corporate companies on every continent, Liebherr is one of the global players. HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser was pleased to have Dr. Andreas Lugert as speaker for the Management Forum: "The exchange between science and practice is part of our DNA. We thank him for the exciting insights and illustrative best practices, which are extremely enriching for HNU."

High wage, construction and energy costs, bureaucracy, and difficult legal and regulatory frameworks are making Germany appear increasingly unattractive as a production location. However, Dr. Andreas Lugert also sees the current situation and future of industrial production from a different perspective. In his view, there are more reasons in favor of Germany as a location than against it. He mentioned the still high productivity and the high degree of innovative ability, local markets and regional supply chains and, above all, the high competence of the personnel and the high level of education in Germany. He went on to outline possible solutions for safeguarding Germany as a production location, saying that on the one hand politicians have a duty here, for example when it comes to the legal and administrative framework conditions, but on the other hand there is still a lot of untapped potential among companies.

After his lecture, the audience, which included numerous high-ranking representatives from business and associations, had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a direct exchange with Dr. Lugert - an opportunity that was actively used and led to inspiring discussions.

About the HNU Management Forum

HNU regularly invites business leaders to the university to report on current, practical topics from the various areas of business management and share their valuable wealth of experience at the HNU Management Forum.