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Suc­cess­ful edu­ca­tional pro­gramme Man­age­ment of the veter­in­ary prac­tice/clinic

15.12.2022, Post­gradu­ate :

The one-semester, in-service training programme "Management of the veterinary practice/clinic" started for the fourth time. Presentation of certificates of participation to participants of the third round.

The training programme Management of Veterinary Practices/Clinics was developed by the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the bpt, Bundesverband Praktizierender Tierärzte e.V. and Vetkom GmbH especially for professionals in veterinary practices.  Questions of business management and management of the veterinary practice or clinic are dealt with in a compact form. The solution- and practice-oriented further training enriches the everyday working life of veterinarians, practice managers and senior veterinary assistants, who acquire knowledge about the control and management of health care businesses in around 118 teaching hours.

"We are very pleased about the high response to the programme. The close cooperation with our cooperation partners, the bpt, Bundesverband Praktizierender Tierärzte e.V. (Federal Association of Practising Veterinarians) and Vetkom GmbH, ensures the professional quality and the high practical relevance of the programme," said Prof. Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz, the person responsible for the programme at HNU, summarising the success of the programme. 

On 9 December 2022, 33 participants were awarded university certificates at Neu-Ulm University for successfully completing the third round of the Management of Veterinary Practices/Clinics educational programme. We warmly congratulate the participants! Prof. Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz, responsible for the programme, Dr. Wolfgang Matzner, Managing Director of Vetkom GmbH, and Mrs. Siemer from the Lüsche Veterinary Clinic took part in the award ceremony. 

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