Part-time train­ing pro­grammes for pro­fes­sion­als

The part-time training programmes for professionals are aimed at those interested in acquiring practical knowledge in a specific subject area and in a compact form. In order to offer the participants a high degree of flexibility, these programmes are designed with an online format, supplemented by e-learning units and face-to-face sessions, as well as periods of self-study and transfer learning. These courses will teach you up-to-date knowledge and skills with a high degree of practical relevance in the area of business management. Upon successful completion of one of the courses, you will be awarded a HNU certificate.

Part-time train­ing pro­grammes for pro­fes­sion­als

Jumpstart – the online professional training programme for physicians and dentists

The online professional training programme JUMPSTART is designed for medical professionals who are seeking to establish their own medical practice, in the process of setting up their own business or aiming to optimise their practice management. It will give you a jumpstart on successful self-employment!

Advantages of the online professional training programme:

  • Quickly become familiar with the topics of business administration, law, taxes, marketing and personnel management
  • Acquire concrete practical knowledge in only 12 online learning modules
  • Enjoy flexible learning, whenever and wherever you want
  • Learn from informative instructional videos and dynamic online presentations with quizzes to assess learning success
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Receive a university certificate upon successful completion

This online professional training programme is carried out in cooperation with "Medinomicus GmbH - Institute for Healthcare Management".

Read more information and access the registration form (opens in a new window)


Managing a Veterinary Practice/Clinic

The part-time professional training programme Managing a Veterinary Practice/Clinic deals with questions of business management and leadership in veterinary practices/clinics in a compact form. Participants acquire knowledge about the control and management of specialised healthcare enterprises and learn methods for analysing and interpreting structures, processes and potentials. The objective  is to generate new application-oriented solutions to problems. This professional training programme is conducted in cooperation with the Federal Association of Practicing Veterinarians (bpt - Bundesverband Praktizierender Tierärzte e.V.) and the company Vetkom GmbH.

Structure and qualification

The balanced combination of compact, live online sessions, e-learning periods and an on-campus block, as well as periods of self-study and transfer learning, means that participants can complete the programme while continuing to work. Upon successful completion, the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences awards a certificate of participation.


The prerequisite for participation is at least one year of professional experience in a veterinary practice or veterinary clinic or a licence to practise medicine.


Approx. 6 months


€2,600 net plus 19 % VAT

Planned timeframe:

  • 4 units per week, Wednesdays, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Contents and schedule

Module I: Managing a veterinary practice/clinic

1. Strategic management and business administration basics

  • Corporate strategy and corporate goals
  • Business management basics
  • Organisational structure/process organisation (process management)
  • Project management: problem-solving methods and techniques
  • QM/GVP (Good Veterinary Practice)

2. Start-up/business planning

  • Step by step to self-employment
  • Personal requirements, setting up a new practice vs. taking over a practice
  • Significance, addressees and contents of a business plan

3. Financial management

  • Accounting/investment accounting
  • Cost accounting/salary/turnover performance, if applicable
  • Legal aspects of GOT/ receivables management
  • Functions, instruments and goals of strategic and operative controlling
  • Reading, understanding and interpreting the business assessment/annual financial statement
  • Controlling in the veterinary practice

5. Digital competencies

  • Use of software and apps
  • Use of tele- and video-medicine
  • Reimbursement of telemedical services
  • IT security/data protection

6. Purchasing & materials management, pharmacy management

  • Cost structure of the pharmacy as an independent department
  • Material disposition/stocking
  • Material procurement
  • Purchasing cooperation, key figures

Module II: Leadership in the veterinary practice/clinic

1. Personnel management

  • Planning, recruitment, selection, development and controlling of personnel
  • Labour law / law on working hours

2. Personnel management and team development

  • Leadership role and personality
  • Leadership tasks and instruments
  • Team development and group dynamics
  • Conflict management

3. Communication and conversation

  • Communication basics and instruments
  • Discussion strategies
  • Group work presentation "Future of the veterinary practice”

4. Marketing

  • Marketing strategies and tools
  • Digital marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Rating portals

5. Law

  • Treatment contract
  • Company law/ forms of organisation for the veterinary practice
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Please address your questions to the team at the Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies

or to the programme director Professor Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz (opens in a new window).

Click here (opens in a new window) to view the information flyer for this professional training programme.


Management Managing a Medical/Dental Practice/Community Health Centre

A good medical or dental practice is characterised by optimal patients care, short waiting times, a pleasant working environment and a profitable financial situation. Working in the healthcare sector is demanding and challenging. Behind every smoothly run practice is a successful practice manager.

Learn the essentials for this important management role with the part-time training programme Managing a Medical/Dental Practice/Community Health Centre, which addresses the topic of business management and leadership of a medical/dental practice or a community health centre in a compact form.

Upon completion of this professional training programme, you will have acquired the knowledge and skills to become a successful practice manager. 

Advantages for the participants

  • High level of practical relevance
  • Sustainable knowledge transfer
  • Cross-sector networking

This programme is particularly suitable for medical assistants, dental assistants, qualified dental assistants, dental administrative assistants and practice managers, but also for employees entering the workforce, senior physician assistants and business administrators who wish to qualify as practice managers.

Duration and planned programme schedule

  • Duration: 6 months
  • Mainly Saturdays, 2:00  pm- 5:15 pm, online lectures
  • Maximum of four teaching units each, with preparatory self-study
  • The HNU Moodle learning platform will be available for the entire duration of the course
  • Face-to-face sessions at the beginning and end of the course
  • Virtual discussion group after course completion


€2,200 net plus 19 % VAT (€2,618 gross)

Contents and schedule

1. Leadership I, face-to-face

  • Self-guidance
  • Goal setting, individual positions in the team (sandwich)
  • Communication / conversation
  • Conflicts within the team
  • Rules
  • Onboarding

2. Personnel management, online

  • Recruitment, training, appraisal, feedback
  • Staff deployment (quality and quantity)
  • Competence-oriented staff deployment
  • Remuneration, incentives, staff retention

3. Digitalisation, online

  • Information systems
  • Online appointments
  • Use of automatisms in practice software
  • KIM
  • Telematics, etc., digitalisation in the healthcare sector
  • IT security, data protection

4. Marketing, online

  • Online
  • Instruments, legal framework
  • CD

5. Controlling/benchmarking, online

  • Controlling with key figures
  • Understanding and interpreting fee statements
  • Questioning and interpreting qualification-related additional volume/other services
  • Documentation/recourse

6. Purchasing and stock-keeping, online

  • Procurement options
  • Consultation supplies
  • Material throughput
  • Warehouse management
  • Supply contracts
  • Maintenance contracts

7. Quality and risk management, patient safety, online

  • Legal requirements specified in Federal Joint Committee (Gemeinsamer Bundesauschuss, GBA) minimum contents
  • QM systems, structure, continuation and benefits

8. General practice organisation, online

  • Accessibility
  • Project management
  • Visions, mission statement, values, corporate culture
  • Process management

9. Leadership II, face-to-face

  • Self-guidance
  • Goal setting, individual positions in the team (sandwich)
  • Communication / conversation.
  • Conflicts within the team
  • Rules
  • Onboarding

Structure and qualification

A balanced combination of live online training over a longer period of time, e-learning units and two on-campus weekends as well as periods of self-study and transfer learning, this programme can be completed on a part-time basis. Upon successful completion, the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences awards a certificate of participation.


Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, in cooperation with Fischer und Rauch - Competence in Health Care, Synchrodent

Programme director: Professor Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz


Ms. Marie Kasperek, Managing Director synchrondent

Ms. Yvonne Kasperek, Managing Director synchrondent

Dr. med. Guntram Fischer, MBA, owner Fischer und Rauch

Ms. Sylvia Goldschmitt, practice manager and former KV consultant

Mr. Stefan Witschel, doctor and IT lecturer

Professor Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the staff of the Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies:, + 49 (0) 731-9762-2525

Please register for the professional training programme Managing a Medical/Dental Practice/Community Health Centre by sending an e-mail to:

Digitalisation in the Healthcare Sector

Digitalisation affects almost all areas of the healthcare system and requires specialists as well as managers to counter with corresponding strategies. The professional training programme "Digitalisation in the Healthcare Sector" equips students with current and practical knowledge on the associated political, legal and technological issues in a compact and focused form.

Take an active role in confronting digitalisation and gain advantages for your own professional life! This additional qualification offers you valuable answers and management expertise that will be useful for your career. First, you will be able to apply your newly acquired knowledge directly in your own professional field. Then, you will have the opportunity to reflect on it in an exchange with lecturers and fellow course participants.

Enjoy looking at “the big picture” in intensive coaching sessions which are held nearly every week and are conveniently offered in an online format. Lecturers with practical experience share with you the most current state of knowledge on the topic of digitalisation, providing the ideal daily support for your professional and management duties in the healthcare sector.

Advantages for the participants

  • Suitable for specialists and managers from all areas of the healthcare sector
  • Sustainable knowledge transfer by professors and lecturers from the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences as well as practitioners
  • Can be credited, upon application, to the MBA programme Leadership and Management in Healthcare
  • Online format as live webinar
  • 6 months/ 100 units in total
  • High level of practical relevance
  • Cross-sector networking
  • No participation requirements

Duration and planned programme schedule

  • Duration: 6 months
  • Online sessions via Zoom, 6:00 pm-9:15 pm
  • Maximum of four teaching units per week
  • The HNU Moodle learning platform will be available throughout the duration of the course
  • Access to the online library for course participants

Contents and schedule

1. Political conditions and legal foundations of digitalisation/AI

  • Reform, law, master plan, institutions (GER/EU), financing (inv.)
  • Data protection, data security, patients' rights, copyright, liability
  • Ethics

2. Digital innovations and technologies

  • AI, speech recognition, BI/Big Data
  • Interoperability/telematics infrastructure, e.g. telemedicine, certification of video consultation; IHE, HL7, FHIR, etc.
  • Software, robotics, apps, ePA, e-prescription

3. Market access and reimbursement of digital healthcare services

  • Digital medical devices (MDR)
  • DIGA, Fast Track at BfARM, reimbursement of telemedicine, PROMs, study design of RCTs

4. Platform economy and digital business models

  • Digital platforms and business models, entrepreneurship, start-ups

5. Digital health in healthcare practice

  • Health insurance, prevention, outpatient care, inpatient care, healthcare industry, nursing/homecare, chronic care

6. Digital health marketing and communication

  • Social media marketing
  • Omnichannel

7. Digital working environments and change management

  • Digital leadership (Work 4.0), new qualification and job profiles (e.g. sales), change management


•    Upon successful completion, the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences will award a certificate of participation.


€2,400 net plus 19 % VAT (€2,856 gross)

Special price for HNU alumni: €1,900 net plus 19 % VAT (€2,261 gross)


Programme Director: Professor Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Professor Roger Jaeckel, Honorary Professor, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences


Prof. R. Jaeckel, Honorary Professor HNU

Dr. Ullmann, CMIO International, Healthcare International, nuance/Microsoft

Prof. U. Walter, lawyer specialised in medical law

Mr. A. Lehmann, CIO Max Grundig Clinic

Mr. C. Bredl, Head of TK Bavaria Regional Office

Prof. W. Swoboda, HNU


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the staff of the Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies:, + 49 (0) 731-9762-2525

Please send registrations for the professional training programme Digitalisation in the Healthcare Sector by e-mail to:

Selected HNU publications on the topic of digitalisation in the healthcare sector: (opens in a new window)

Selected HNU research activities in the field of digitalisation in the healthcare sector: (opens in a new window)