Cus­tom­ised pro­fes­sional train­ing pro­grammes for com­pan­ies

Programme start
Flexible, upon request

Target group
For companies and their staff
Individually tailored to the company’s needs
Certificate of participation

Have a positive influence on your company’s success by providing your staff with up-to-date specialist knowledge. Your managers will receive valuable, stimulating ideas and acquire technical and methodological skills. They will be able to better organise their working days, which is a win-win situation for companies as well as employees.

The following overview lists our current topics, for example from the healthcare sector, which you can book for your staff at the Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies. We are also happy to offer customised professional training on a topic of your choice. We look forward to your enquiry!

List of pos­sible top­ics Cus­tom­ised pro­fes­sional train­ing pro­grammes

 Labour law in the workplace

Young professionals often bear responsibility for employees in projects without being responsible for them in a disciplinary fashion. They therefore need to have a basic knowledge of labour law in order to be able to carry out their tasks within the given scope of responsibility. They should also be prepared for a potential position with management duties. 

In this seminar you will learn to:

  • Identify managerial tasks in the area of conflict priorities between company and employee interests
  • Know the duties and rights of employees and managers
  • Know the basics of labour law and co-determination as well as their significance
  • Handle legal issues in an exemplary manner and recognise them in the workplace

Moderation and presentation techniques

In this seminar, you will learn to purposefully use communication and to become aware of your own strengths and weaknesses in the area of communication. The different methods for effective preparation, execution and follow-up of meetings will also be taught. We will work with video cameras and the participants will receive systematic feedback.

Professional discussion and negotiation management – the basis for success

Leading means communicating with people in different contexts without losing sight of your own goals. It is therefore important for managers to be able to perform adequately in different situations involving dialogue and to be able to negotiate workable agreements. They must be able to adapt to different discussion partners and react with flexibility to the course of the conversation.

This seminar teaches you the basic principles for a better understanding of interpersonal communication. You will learn to systematically prepare and handle difficult situations involving discussion and negotiation and to use different communication techniques and tools both purposefully and effectively.

Agile project management with Scrum

Traditional methods of project management are increasingly reaching their limits; all to often, projects run out of time and money. The ability to react to changing requirements and new conditions should no longer be addressed by workaround solutions, but should be recorded and considered with a methodical approach. Scrum, open software for developing complex systems and products, presents an innovative approach that rethinks and redefines project management and product development. In this workshop, you will manage projects using Scrum.

Risk management Industry 4.0 – application-oriented introduction for SMEs

The digitalisation of the economy is presenting companies with new and unexpected challenges. Without appropriate risk management, the increasing networking of cross-company processes can quickly turn risks into minor problems or even lead to a major disaster. A systematic approach to risk management is therefore becoming indispensable, especially for small- and medium-sized companies. However, risk management is by no means magic; it is the combination of a learnable methodology and common sense. In this two-day seminar, you will learn how to apply this method to practical cases in a form that is appropriate for small- and medium-sized companies, i.e. more practical.

This seminar will provide you with the knowledge and skills to gradually develop a company-specific risk management system for your company, using a suitable method.

Customer analytics

This seminar is aimed at employees from the fields of marketing, CRM or related disciplines who want to learn about the opportunities connected with data mining and predictive analytics. Using these tools, a wide range of innovative options for the analysis, consolidation and prediction of customer behaviour become possible. These make it possible to have a 360-degree view of customers and to generate knowledge about customers by revealing these relationships in large and confusing amounts of data.

Time and self-management

The consolidation of work puts enormous demands on managers and junior managers in particular. Unfortunately, their options for to delegating work or the organisation of work to employees are limited. Managers must therefore be able to cope with stress and limit themselves to the essentials. Their own work organisation should be effective, and also be constantly reviewed and improved. This seminar enables you to recognise and eliminate "waste" in your own and other people's work processes. You will also learn to set or agree on priorities.

List of pos­sible top­ics Cus­tom­ised pro­fes­sional train­ing pro­grammes in the health­care sec­tor

PraxisCheck 2.0

Community health centres and larger practices are complex medium-sized organisations whose medical services originate from various areas of specialisation and billing systems. It can be very complicated to interpret the medical fee statements. However, they can provide valuable information relevant to the practice management and the strategy of the company's medical practice. The comprehensive performance analysis is laborious, but necessary. This seminar addresses the core question of how effective controlling can be established and how performance indicators can support this. Start shaping your company’s controlling today.

 On the open heart – hospital management and cooperation

This seminar teaches leadership and cooperation skills based on practical action and practice, rather than "dry" theory. In the training hospital "Am offenen Herzen" (“On the open heart”), you will work on real case studies from hospital life in parallel hospital-like groups. The groups will have several sessions and cooperate with each other. At the end of each session,  there will be detailed feedback and a short, needs-based reflection on the theoretical aspects.

Your benefits from this seminar:

  • You will experience success and recognise where you are already on the right track.
  • You will discover, in very concrete terms, in which leadership situations you still have potential for improvement.
  • You will work exclusively on cases from real-life hospital situations and will thus easily be able to apply what you have learned to your management duties.
  • You will reflect on your experiences in detailed feedback sessions and with the help of brief theoretical explanations.

Cooperation and corruption in the healthcare sector

The introduction of the new § 299 a, b StGB (German Criminal Code, bribery and corruption in the healthcare sector) has caused a great deal of uncertainty among cooperation partners. A rational approach to the topic is to be initiated on the basis of professional and legal requirements.

What is important when drafting cooperation agreements and what is the intention of the legislature? What is acceptable and not acceptable in the drafting of contracts? What is to be done with pre-existing and presumably "toxic" contracts? Answers to these and other practical questions will be presented in this seminar.

Hospital financing in Germany

You will learn the essential elements of how and under what conditions hospitals finance themselves today, in compact form. The lecturer himself is an actively practicing physician in a primary care hospital, which means that the focus of each topic is on direct practical relevance and immediate applicability. The contents covered in this seminar will provide you with a broad basis for linking already existing or future knowledge with operational hospital business.

Conflicts in hospitals

Conflicts are a permanent feature of the daily hospital routine. Disputes with the administration, uncertainties about the division of labour between doctors and nursing staff, the search for culprits in the organisational chaos … the list can be extended indefinitely. Conflicts, however, require a lot of energy from all those involved, energy that is desperately needed for the actual work to be done. Rarely can the conflicts be resolved in a satisfactory and permanently stable way.

Your benefits from this seminar:

  • You will be able to recognise at an earlier stage when a conflict is arising.
  • You will learn how to classify the type and status of conflicts and develop a suitable strategy for resolution.
  • You will learn communication techniques for the constructive resolution of conflicts.
  • You will reflect on your responsibilities and the responsibilities of others in resolving conflicts.
  • You will learn new structures and techniques with which you can avoid conflicts in the future.

Basic business management seminar for physicians

As a physician, you receive financial documents from your administration department, the meaning and content of which may not always be clear to you. Sometimes, it seems that only business management professionals can understand and assess the economic situation. This is where this seminar, designed especially for physicians, comes in.

This seminar teaches you about important interfaces between medicinal professionals and business administration. This will allow you to gain confidence in making decisions.

You will be taught the basic business terms and get a feeling for the financial magnitudes. You will learn to see and think like the administration. In the future, you will be able to communicate more easily so that the goals of both professions can be achieved: optimal medical care and successful business management. On the whole, you will create a further solid foundation for your professional future.

Suc­cess­ful to­gether with post­gradu­ate and pro­fes­sional stud­ies