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HNU Pres­id­ent Re­news Memor­andum of Un­der­stand­ing with the Uni­versity of the West­ern Cape

22.11.2022, Uni­versity News :

Since September 2011, there has been close cooperation in study, transfer and research - between Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) and the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in Cape Town, South Africa. The president of HNU, Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser, renewed the cooperation agreement on November 15, 2022. She was accompanied by professors and a research assistant from HNU who were in Cape Town with HNU students during the excursion week.

The agreement, a so-called Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), between the two universities has led to several successful exchange programs and the establishment of new academic programs. Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser welcomed the extension of future cooperation with the UWC: "I know there are more ideas for future activities on both sides. So let's do together what we do best - exchange our thoughts and put things into action. On this point, I agree with Steve Jobs, who said that great things in business are never done by one person alone, but always by a team of people. Together, we will develop successful projects in teaching, research, and knowledge and idea transfer, and intensify our long-term strategic partnership."

The Rector of UWC, Prof. Tyrone Pretorius, emphasizes the importance of the partnership and looks back with pleasure on the successes already achieved: "We have carried out many successful exchange programs and the students who have returned speak highly of their experiences. In collaboration with HNU, we have developed new academic programs, such as "E-Logistics," which was launched at UWC in 2018."

Future plans include continuing student and staff exchanges through Erasmus Plus. In this context, student exchanges are to be intensified through summer and winter schools. Furthermore, joint degree programs will be developed and a joint doctoral program will be installed. The development of further joint research projects is in the planning stage.

To this end, HNU professors Dr. Dany Meyer, Dr. Stefanie Schöberl and HNU professors Dr. Thomas Bayer, Dr. Jürgen Grinninger, Dr. Jens Pätzmann, Dr. Elmar Steurer and research assistant Felix Holl participated in digital workshops and working groups with the UWC and its professors.

Delegates from HNU and UWC were joined online by other partners, including the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) South Africa and the German Consulate in Cape Town.