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New at HNU: Prof. Dr. Jo­hannes Basch

11.11.2022, Faces :

Since this semester, a new expert in business psychology has been teaching and conducting research at HNU: Why the call to Neu-Ulm was more or less a home game for Prof. Dr. Johannes Basch and why job interviews are such an exciting field of research for him - the newly appointed reveals all this and much more in an interview.

Prof. Dr. Jo­hannes Basch

Prof. Dr. Johannes Basch  (opens in a new window)
Professor for Business Psychology


Can you tell us something about your ca­reer so far?

Not too far away, I studied psychology at the University of Ulm for my bachelor's and master's degrees. I liked it so much that I did my doctorate there in the Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology on the comparability of technology-mediated and classic job interviews. After the PhD, I continued to work there as a postdoc in this super department.

In addition to my scientific career, I have been a freelance diagnostician and trainer since 2015. Furthermore, in 2020 I founded the personnel consultancy "mindwise" with two colleagues, based in Ulm. Here, we work together with and for companies to develop adaptive and practical solutions based on findings from our own and international HR diagnostics research.

What are your teach­ing and re­search in­terests and what are you par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested in at the mo­ment?

My research is primarily concerned with the digitization of personnel selection processes, i.e. whether it makes a difference, for example, whether job interviews are conducted in person or via Zoom (small spoiler: yes, it does!). Gamified selection processes are also becoming increasingly popular, i.e. embedding classic test procedures in a game context. Here, as with interviews, however, there are still many unresolved issues regarding comparability of applicant responses, performance, and validity. I am also interested in communication behavior via new media (e.g., zoom fatigue) or the influence of non-standard language in selection contexts (e.g., whether New Ulmers who speak Swabian have disadvantages in job interviews). However, my researcher heart beats mainly for digital job interviews. In recent years, my teaching has focused on (digital) personnel psychology as well as communication and interviewing in the HR field.

Per­sonal de­tails 

My field of expertise in three words:
... Finding suitable employees
HNU is:
... a winner of the lottery for me
This is the sentence I like to hear most from my students:
Not a sentence, but the sparkle in their eyes combined with a smirk, so that I realize that a game changer in thinking is taking place here right now
My current read:
Status Games by Schmitt & Esser
My next project/publication:
The impact of the Corona pandemic on perceptions of technology-mediated job interviews
First thing I do at my desk in the morning:
Check email and LinkedIn. 
What's always on your desk?
A cup of cold coffee that I forgot to drink... But it tastes great cold, too! ;-)

Why did you be­come a pro­fessor?

I have always enjoyed teaching and lecturing. During my studies, I then realized that scientific work is also a great thing. From my point of view, both are absolutely equal, which is why being a university professor is a perfect fit for me. Working with people, teaching them something and bridging the gap between science and practice is a particularly big concern for me.

What can stu­dents learn in your lec­tures?

This semester, in my seminars in the focus area "Communication and Conflict Management", students mainly learn practical knowledge about rhetoric and conversation management, i.e. how to present properly, how to deliver an exciting pitch, but also how to solve tricky conversation situations in the everyday life of business psychologists, such as termination interviews. I also get to teach the theoretical basics of personality psychology and market and advertising psychology.

How were your first months at HNU?

Very good! Since I started on September 1 and the semester already started at the beginning of October, I had to find my way around a bit and of course there was a lot of work to do in teaching. However, I received a lot of support from my colleague from business psychology. In my first few weeks here, I've also noticed how much I enjoy teaching and how much I like it when there's a good atmosphere in the lectures.

What brought you to Neu-Ulm and HNU in par­tic­u­lar? What do you like about the re­gion?

For me, the region around Neu-Ulm means home above all. Unlike many other colleagues, I didn't have to move for my job here because I grew up here in the region - less than 40km away - and I still live here and have always worked in Ulm, with short trips abroad. What I particularly like about the region is the rural flair, the culture and the fact that we are nevertheless so well connected that we have major cities, mountains, etc. within an hour's drive.

What do you like to do most when you are not teach­ing and/or re­search­ing at HNU?

Then I renovate my house, play drums in a band or try my hand at a triathlon again after the Corona period.

Either | Or

Sushi or spaetzle? Definitely spaetzle. 

Camping or hotel? Hotel. 

Book or movie? Movie. 

Allgäu Alps or Lake Constance?  I can have both in one day :-) 

Coffee or tea? Coffee: cold and warm. 

Bicycle or car? To get to Neu-Ulm, the car, otherwise the bicycle, as often as possible.

Sofa or armchair? Armchair. 

Notebook or notebook app? Notebook app, but checking off the daily to-do list is still the most satisfying thing. 

Walk in the woods or big city trip? Sometimes this way, sometimes that.