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HNU Flexi Semester: The winter semester 2020/21 un­der the motto "Flex­ible with se­cur­ity - on the HNU cam­pus and on­line"

12.08.2020, Study :

Lectures in the winter semester 2020/21 begin on 5 October 2020. The Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) offers an attractive range of courses which can be flexibly adapted to the current corona situation and the individual situation of the students.

The past semester was a challenge which Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences successfully mastered by joining forces. The great commitment of students, professors and staff, combined with the excellent digital infrastructure, made it possible for the HNU to have an instructive summer semester - in both senses of the word. The university is using the important experiences for further development in the coming semesters.

The winter semester 2020/21 will be offered as an HNU-Flexi-Semester, which combines studying in digital and presence formats according to requirements. In doing so, the HNU is preparing for a high proportion of online teaching, which will be enriched by classroom teaching wherever possible and appropriate. Priority for classroom teaching is given to the first and second semesters as well as to practical and laboratory courses. In this way, at the same time, the HNU makes it possible to respect the health and safety of all members of the university and to help students to progress and succeed in their studies.

As far as the existing framework conditions allow, teachers and students come to the HNU mainly in seminars and exercises in small groups. Lectures are mostly offered as online events which are recorded to give students greater flexibility in terms of time and location. Accompanying tutorials complement the flexible teaching programme in order to create the best possible teaching and learning situation.

In the new mentoring programme "100 Helping Hands", student mentors are also available to help and advise first and second semester students in all aspects of their studies.

E-Learning offers at the HNU

For digital teaching at the HNU the learning platform Moodle (opens in a new window) is used in all courses. Video conferencing tools (opens in a new window) are used for online lectures and group communication. Licenses are available for both students and teachers. All information on studying from home (opens in a new window) can be found on the HNU website. The Moodle course "Digital Teaching - Quick Start (for students) (opens in a new window)" bundles all information and instructions around Moodle as well as other helpful digital tools for studying. The course offering is constantly updated.

All current information at a glance (status: 12.08.2020):

  • The lecture period begins on 05 October 2020 (cooperative study programmes with the THU: 12 October 2020) and ends on 22 January 2021.
  • Priority for attendance courses is initially given to events for first-year students and work in laboratories and small groups.
  • Compliance with the valid hygiene regulations is observed.
  • For students with children and in other special situations, the BIZEPS family service centre provides advice and support.

Changes and the latest information will be communicated immediately here and on our social media channels

Your HNU President

Studierende sitzen und stehen an einem Tisch und unterhalten sich. (opens enlarged image)
Studierende sitzen und stehen an einem Tisch.