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Stu­dents de­velop in­nov­at­ive solu­tions for bar­rier-free Nivea products

21.07.2023, Study :

Optimising product packaging so that it is better tailored to the needs of people with cognitive or motor impairments: Students at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) tackled this important task as part of a joint project with Nivea. In several teams, they spent a semester developing various innovative solutions for barrier-free product design, with which the social inclusion and participation of the target group can be increased.

The 96 students of the IMUK (Information Management and Corporate Communication) programme formed twelve teams that implemented creative ideas in various formats: In addition to physical prototypes and renderings to NFTs and app concepts, ideas for audiovisual campaigns were also developed by means of which the products can be presented to a broad public. To better understand the needs of the target group, the students conducted interviews in advance with people who suffer from cognitive or motor impairments. These findings flowed directly into the development of the prototypes, which were then tested and further optimised based on the feedback from the users.

At the end of the intensive project work, the project teams were able to present innovative solutions that enable people with cognitive or motor impairments to use Nivea products independently and without barriers. With the inclusive packaging and intuitive operating concepts developed, the independence and quality of life of this target group can be significantly improved.

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The semester project not only provided the students with valuable experience and insights into the development of barrier-free products, but also inspired those involved at Nivea. "We are very happy about the positive cooperation with Prof. Franzreb and her students. With the pilot project, we wanted to see how Generation Z understands and approaches the topic of Accessible Packaging for NIVEA," said Jenny Behnk, Interim Creative Director and Design Manager at Nivea. "The commitment of the students and the solutions on different levels (packaging to mixed reality), have convinced us. We would like to take some ideas further into the company and contribute a 'real impact' to the topic of Accessible Packaging. We would like to thank them for the very good cooperation and are already looking forward to the next projects".

The project partner rewarded the work of the HNU students with several donation cheques worth between 200 and 500 euros, which can be donated to social institutions for people with disabilities.

"It was of particular importance to the students that their ideas and solutions can make a positive contribution to society," explained Prof. Patricia Franzreb, who led the project. "The project shows how important it is to take the needs and challenges of people with cognitive or motor impairments seriously and to develop innovative solutions to improve their participation in everyday life."

Prof. Patricia Franzreb