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New at the HNU: Prof Dr Tassilo Schuster

22.02.2024, Faces :

HNU has a new research professor: Prof Dr Tassilo Schuster joined the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in January 2024. The habilitated business economist conducts research in the fields of sustainable business models and global value networks and brings expertise from numerous industry and research projects to the university. In this interview, the new professor reveals what particularly appeals to him about his subject area and how he would like to pass on his knowledge to students.

Prof. Dr. Tassilo Schuster

Prof. Dr. Tassilo Schuster
Research professor in the field of Sustainable Business Models and Global Value Networks


Can you tell us something about your ca­reer to date?

I studied economics at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), where I also completed my doctorate on "Socially responsible business model innovations of multinational companies in low-income markets". I then wrote my habilitation cumulatively on the topics of "Ecological sustainability of companies", "Design of coordination mechanisms in internationally active companies" and "Psychological contracts of expatriates".

After my habilitation, I had the opportunity to take on a deputy professorship at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich for two years. I then moved to the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS), where I worked as Senior Project Manager and Chief Scientist in the Business Transformation group. In this position, I managed and supported numerous industry and research projects, particularly in the area of digital and sustainable business transformation.

What are your teach­ing and re­search spe­cial­isms and what are you par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested in at the mo­ment?

My research and teaching focus on sustainable corporate management, the circular economy and various aspects of international management. I find the interface between sustainability management and international management particularly exciting.

I am currently working intensively on the question of how companies can use digital technologies to achieve their sustainability goals. I see digital technologies as a key enabler for the realisation of a sustainable economic system. Moreover, it requires more than just a corporate initiative - it requires an extended ecosystem with numerous players working together in a global value network to enable a sustainable and circular economy. 
This topic excites me because it offers an innovative approach to successfully combine ecological and social responsibility with economic success.

Why did you be­come a pro­fessor?

The decision to take the path of a professor was characterised by my deep passion for scientific research and knowledge acquisition. Even during my studies, I was fascinated by the opportunity to look behind the scenes and gain new insights that were previously undiscovered. This curiosity and enthusiasm for exploring new ideas and concepts has always driven me.

After graduating, I was determined to continue on this path and pursue my interest in scientific research at a professional level. The prospect of exploring and investigating something new that was previously unknown was extremely motivating for me. The opportunity to not only gain this knowledge for myself, but also to pass it on to industry partners and students was invaluable to me.

The path to a professorship therefore seemed to me to be the logical consequence of my passion and interest in scientific research and knowledge transfer. For me, this decision was not only a professional development, but rather a confirmation of my long-standing dedication and enthusiasm for researching new ideas and concepts.

What can people learn at your events?

In my seminars and lectures, I take a holistic approach to action-based learning, where the aim is not only to impart knowledge, but also to generate enthusiasm for the topic and create a deep understanding of the underlying phenomena.

Through the application of concepts, methods and tools, students are encouraged to actively engage in the learning process and immediately apply what they have learnt. I firmly believe that Confucius' proverb, "Explain it to me and I will forget it, show it to me and I will remember it, let me do it and I will realise it", is an important guide. It makes it clear that it is not enough to simply impart knowledge, but that this knowledge must be tangible and applicable.

In my courses, the focus is therefore not only on the pure learning material, but rather on the practical application and understanding of the concepts in a real-life context. Through interactive exercises, case studies and project work, students are encouraged to actively test and deepen their knowledge. Ultimately, they should not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but also develop the ability to successfully put this knowledge into practice.

How were your first few months at HNU?

The first weeks and months at HNU were extremely enriching and inspiring for me. I have felt very welcome here since my first day. Although I have only been working at HNU since 2 January 2024, I already feel that I am well connected and have gained deep insights into the diverse areas of interest of my colleagues.

The friendly atmosphere and open interaction have enabled me to settle in quickly and feel completely at home here. I really appreciate the warm welcome and am looking forward to my upcoming lectures in March. It fills me with great joy to be part of the HNU community and I am looking forward to the further experiences and encounters that await me at HNU.

[Trans­late to Eng­lish:] Was hat Sie gerade nach Neu-Ulm an die HNU ge­führt? Was ge­fällt Ihnen an der Re­gion?

The Ulm/Neu-Ulm region is undoubtedly a region with many advantages. It is characterised by a robust SME sector and a wealth of companies that are not only economically successful, but also offer a wide range of opportunities for professional development. The region also offers an extremely exciting research landscape with renowned institutions and innovative projects.

What makes this region particularly attractive, however, is its high quality of life. The picturesque surroundings, the cultural diversity and the wide range of leisure activities contribute to the Ulm/Neu-Ulm region being perceived as an extremely liveable place.

For me personally, the professorship for "Sustainable Business Models and Global Value Creation Networks" at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) was an extremely attractive opportunity. It directly addressed two of my major areas of interest. It was therefore almost impossible for me to turn down this unique opportunity.

What is your fa­vour­ite thing to do when you are not teach­ing and/or re­search­ing at HNU?

In my free time, I am passionate about football, both as an active player and as a coach of a youth team. For me, sport is an important source of relaxation and a way of balancing my everyday working life. I also enjoy spending time in the mountains, whether skiing in winter or hiking in summer, and experiencing unforgettable moments with my family.


Either | Or

Sushi or spaetzle? Fusion cuisine, which combines the traditional with experimental approaches, particularly appeals to me - similar to my approach as a professor.

Camping or hotel? I prefer hotels to prevent back pain. Unfortunately, you're no longer the youngest. 

Book or film? Film, as a welcome change from the numerous articles and books I spend most of my day reading.

Allgäu Alps or Lake Constance? The Allgäu Alps offer me a new perspective and the opportunity to enjoy nature.

Coffee or tea? Both. Passionate coffee drinker, but like to switch to tea.

Bike or car? Bike wherever possible.

Sofa or armchair? The sofa offers me greater functionality and more opportunities for relaxation and cosiness.

Paperwork or notebook app? The notebook app allows me to get on top of the chaos and keep my thoughts and ideas organised.

Forest walk or city trip? A walk in the woods offers me the perfect opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and find peace and relaxation.