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New at HNU: Prof. Dr. Erica Weile­mann

06.06.2023, Faces :

No stranger to HNU: Prof. Dr. Erica Weilemann, Professor of Practical Computer Science with a special focus on didactics since the summer semester of 2023, has already worked as a research assistant in the EVELIN project at the university. Now she passes on her passion for didactics to students as a professor.

Prof. Dr. Erica Weile­mann

Prof. Dr. Erica Weilemann
Professor for Practical Computer Science

Can you tell us something about your ca­reer so far?

After graduating from high school, I trained as a bank clerk. I then studied business mathematics at the University of Ulm, was then a consultant at the current msg for banking ag, then controller for the entire bank at Sparkasse Ulm, research assistant at HNU, IT lecturer at CTC Lohr e.K. and now professor. I wrote my dissertation under Professor Wagner at the University of Stuttgart on "The influence of personality on software quality".

What are your teach­ing and re­search in­terests and what are you par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested in at the mo­ment?

One of my research focuses - and also a major interest of mine - is how to convey knowledge to students in a way that is easier to understand and more sustainable. I am investigating this in the lectures on mathematics and object-oriented programming in the GPM course.

Per­sonal De­tails 

My field of expertise in three words:
... forward-looking, changing, full of ideas 
HNU is:
... positively diverse 
This is the sentence I like to hear most from my students:
Ah, now I get it! 
My current reads:
 Shock Room (Schlegl), A mind for numbers (Oakley), Mindful Murder (Dusse), Coders (Thompson).
My next project/publication:
Flipped Classroom for Math in Higher Education.
The first thing I do in the morning at my workplace:
greet my colleagues, get a coffee, boot up my laptop and read emails.
What is always on your desk?
A coffee cu


Why did you be­come a pro­fessor?

During my time as WiMa at HNU and PhD student at the University of Stuttgart, I worked in the project EVELIN (Experimental Improvement of Software Engineering Learning and Teaching) together with Prof. Dr. Philipp Brune and Prof. Dr. Dany Meyer. There, I was allowed to hold some exercises and tutorials and also to conduct didactics experiments with students, both at the HNU and at the University of Stuttgart and the University of Applied Sciences Kempten. I had a lot of fun: on the one hand, imparting knowledge, and on the other hand, doing research. That's when I realized that this is my "calling".

What can people learn in your events?

On the one hand, technical content, such as the basics of object orientation, the fundamentals of mathematics, scientific work. But also - and this is at least as important - supra-disciplinary: teamwork, independent learning, questioning oneself critically, self-management...

How were your first months at HNU?

Very exciting and thrilling, but also very nice because it felt like "home" - due to my former job as WiMa at HNU.

What brought you to Neu-Ulm and HNU in par­tic­u­lar? What do you like about the re­gion?

I am a child from Ulm :-) My family lives here. What I like about HNU is the diversity of disciplines. From my point of view, this is a great strength of HNU. Research collaborations are possible on many exciting interdisciplinary topics directly at HNU. In addition, the different types of degree programs attract very different personalities to study. I also find this diversity of personalities to be a great enrichment.

What do you like to do most when you are not teach­ing and/or re­search­ing at HNU?

Then I love to be out and about with my kids and my husband, with the kids on the playground, all together on trips.

Either | Or 

Sushi or spaetzle? Sushi

Camping or Hotel? Hotel 

Book or movie? Both 

Allgäu Alps or Lake Constance?  The sea ;-)

Coffee or tea? Coffee

Bicycle or car? Car 

Sofa or armchair? Sofa 

Note-taking or note-taking app? App 

Walk in the woods or big city trip? City trip