Stu­dentisches Ge­sund­heits­man­age­ments (SGM)

Con­tact & Pro­ject leader:
Pro­fess­orin Dr. Ju­lia Kor­mann

Vice President for Teaching and Learning, Sustainability

Head of the Centre for Interdisciplinary, International and Engaged Learning (ZiieL)

Head of the Centre for Corporate Communications

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1100

Location: Main Building A, A.2.10

To profile of Professorin Dr. Julia Kormann


Christoph Giebeler,
Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann/Hochschulleitung,
Thomas Rehrl,
Katharina Oswald/Studierendenvertretung,
Tanja Wanner/BGM,
Tanja Maucher/Schlüsselkompetenzen,
Julia Schlotterer/MuK,
Jürgen Lentschig/Arbeitssicherheit,
Prof. Dr. J. Mantz,
Prof. Dr. W. Mihatsch,
Prof. Dr. A. Würfel,
Prof. Dr. M. Füller,
Prof. Dr. B. Brandstetter,
Teresa Moll,
Laura Freund und Luca Waschbüsch (Alumni),
Özgur Saritas, Nadja Hagnauer, Ünsal Mutlu, Lukmann Breuer und viele weitere Studierende,
Christoph Kapp/TK,
HChristine Breitbach/Externe Beraterin


Hochschulsport der Universität Ulm,
Die Techniker,
Basketball Ulm/BBU 01
Project duration
February 2023 to December 2024
  • Others
Pro­ject sec­tion
  • Structural development
Cross-cut­ting top­ics
  • Ethics / Sustainability / Responsibility
Main areas of re­search
  • Health
Ref­er­ence period
  • National


TK – Die Techniker