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Di­git­al­iz­a­tion and sus­tain­ab­il­ity in Africa: top­ics of the fu­ture at HNU's 5th Africa Day

17.06.2024, Trans­fer :

Where does Africa stand in terms of digitalization and sustainability? What are the needs and opportunities? How can synergies be created? The Africa Institute at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) focused on these questions at the 5th Africa Day for Companies on June 11. Under the motto "Twin transformation - opportunities and challenges on the African continent", more than 80 company representatives from six countries came together for presentations, interactive workshops and inspiring discussions at Vöhlinschloss Illertissen.

The twin transformation combines two central areas: the digital transformation and the sustainability transformation. The aim is to find innovative solutions that take into account both economic progress and ecological responsibility.

Against this background, the Africa Institute at HNU offered a diverse program for companies that are already active in Africa or are planning to do so. In her welcoming speech, HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser said: "With the Africa Day, we are not only creating a platform for exchange between international company and university contacts, but also encouraging the companies in our network to become economically involved in Africa - the most important continent for the future in our European neighborhood".

In addition to presentations on topics such as "Sustainable digital innovations in Africa", "Opportunities: Sustainability in Africa" and "Circular business models in Africa", a practice-oriented workshop was also held. Daniel Groos, founder of sharkbite GmbH, presented concrete practical examples of small and medium-sized companies in the field of twin transformation, Dr. Adaora Dagogo, Managing Director of Stechad Ltd, gave tips on how to overcome implementation hurdles and Prof. Dr. Maina Mwangi from Kenyatta University shed light on the opportunities in the African agricultural sector. Two Q&A sessions offered the opportunity to clarify open questions. Finally, the participants engaged in a relaxed exchange and deepened the conversations and discussions of the day.

Dr. Adaora Pre­cious Dagogo

Digital doesn't automatically mean sustainable. Our objective should be Twin Transformation, ensuring digital progress and long-term sustainability go hand in hand. We must avoid prioritizing short-term gains over lasting sustainability.