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New pub­lic­a­tion: Trans­fer in­nov­a­tions and in­nov­a­tion trans­fer between sci­ence and in­dustry

02.01.2023, Re­search :

Under the editorship of HNU professor Dr. Mario A. Pfannstiel and HNU master student Alma Dautovic, the anthology "Transferinnovationen und Innovationstransfer zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft" (Transfer Innovations and Innovation Transfer between Science and Industry) was published by Springer Verlag on January 1, 2023.

This book deals with transfer innovations and shows various possibilities for innovation transfer between science and business. In addition to theoretical foundations and scientific findings on the understanding of transfer, the edited work provides practical knowledge for action, selected practical examples and innovative approaches to solutions.

This work provides an overview of the following topics: Theory on transfer understanding and management, transfer of knowledge, competencies and technologies, transfer actors, strategies, formats, processes and innovations. It also presents examples from higher education, health and social care, industry, and insurance and banking, as well as transfer work in innovation hubs and labs or makerspaces.

The editors' work is suitable for beginners as well as for practitioners and scientists.

About the publication

Pfannstiel, M. A., Dautovic A. (Eds.) (2023): Transfer innovations and innovation transfer between science and industry. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. Online at: (opens in a new window) (opens new window).

The book can be ordered directly from Springer Verlag. Students of HNU can download and view the anthology free of charge via this link (opens in a new window) (opens new external window). In addition, the book will soon be available for loan in the HNU library.

The editors

Prof. Dr. Mario A. Pfannstiel (opens new window) is Professor of Business Administration in Health Care at the Faculty of Health Care Management at HNU.

Alma Dautovic is a B.A., cand. M.A., student in the master's program "Digital Healthcare Management" at Neu-Ulm University.

Graphic with font "Transfer" (Pfannstiel: M.A. 2023) (opens enlarged image)
Source: (Pfannstiel M.A. 2023)