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Out­stand­ing Re­search Achieve­ment: Bay­WISS Prize for HNU Pro­movend Fe­lix Holl

27.09.2022, Re­search :

The Bavarian Science Forum (BayWISS) has awarded HNU PhD student Felix Holl the BayWISS Prize 2022 (2nd place) for his dissertation project. The award recognizes outstanding and pioneering research achievements in the respective scientific field. Felix Holl conducts research in the field of mobile applications in healthcare at the DigiHealth Institute of Neu-Ulm University (HNU).

At this year's BayWISS Colloquium, young scientists were once again honored for outstanding and forward-looking research achievements. Felix Holl (BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Gesundheit), who is doing his doctorate cooperatively at HNU and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), took second place with his dissertation project "Evaluation methods for mobile applications in health care".  

Significant social relevance: Research on mobile applications in medicine

Mobile health applications such as the Corona warning app have recently experienced an enormous increase in importance - making it all the more important to have reliable criteria for an objective assessment of these applications and corresponding accompanying evaluations. Felix Holl addresses this highly topical issue in his research: His PhD project provides a comprehensive overview of current evaluation methods and their limitations and derives recommendations for further developments. The aim of his doctoral project is to initiate a critical discussion in science, society and politics about future evaluation methods. The scientific work is supervised by Prof. Dr. Walter Swoboda (opens in a new window) (HNU) and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Mansmann (LMU).

Felix Holl (opens in a new window) completed his bachelor's degree in Information Management in Healthcare at HNU and his master's degree in Global Health Sciences at the University of California. He has been pursuing a PhD in medical informatics since 2018.

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Presentation of the BayWISS Award to Felix Holl (right) by Prof. Dr. Kai Fischbach, Chairman of the BayWISS Steering Council (left); Photo: Deggendorf University of Technology