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New pub­lic­a­tion: "Suc­cess­fully build­ing and man­aging di­gital plat­forms: fun­da­ment­als, pro­ced­ures, ex­amples" in the "Fo­cus on Busi­ness Model In­nov­a­tion" book series

14.09.2022, Re­search :

Dr. Andreas Steur has published a new management and textbook in Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo's book series "Focus on Business Model Innovation" entitled "Successfully building and managing digital platforms: fundamentals, procedures, examples".

The book summarizes recent research and publications that shed light on the relatively recent phenomenon of digital platforms, including the underlying business model as well as the entrepreneurial challenges. The book addresses the following main questions:

    (1) Which users and which value proposition are relevant for the platform?
    (2) How can digital platforms attract users from different market sides?
    (3) How do digital platforms choose appropriate pricing?
    (4) How can digital platforms ensure transaction quality and user behavior in line with platform ecosystem expectations?
    (5) What are the main goals of digital platforms in their lifecycle, and how can these goals be measured?
    (6) What kind of competitive positioning is promising for digital platforms?

It thus provides readers with approaches for dealing with the central challenges surrounding digital platforms.