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New pub­lic­a­tion: eth­ical is­sues in corona pan­demic

14.02.2022, Re­search :

The publication "Eine Pandemie verändert die Welt. Gentechnik, Datenschutz und ein ethisches Dilemma" ("A pandemic changes the world. Genetic Engineering, Data Protection and an Ethical Dilemma") by HNU professor Dr. Walter Swoboda, which was published today by UVK Verlag in Konstanz.

Crises like the coronal pandemic are drivers of scientific innovation - and make innovative strength more necessary than ever. Genetically engineered vaccines and digital contact tracing have proven to be the most effective weapons in the fight against the virus. But this combination of genetic engineering and digitization raises a number of ethical questions: How do Big Data and data protection go together? What can and may genetic engineering do? The publication by HNU Prof. Dr. Walter Swoboda discusses these and other questions using illustrative examples and provides background information on the history of technology and medicine. It is aimed at readers who want to understand and classify the effects of the pandemic.

Swoboda, Walter (2022): Eine Pandemie verändert die Welt. Gentechnik, Datenschutz und ein ethisches Dilemma. Konstanz: UVK Verlag.

About the author
Prof. Dr. Walter Swoboda (opens in a new window) is a physician and computer scientist. Prior to his research professorship at the Faculty of Health Management, he was Head of Medical Technology and IT at the University Hospital of Munich and Head of IT at Städtisches Klinikum München GmbH.