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Uni­versity of Maur­i­tius is new part­ner uni­versity of the HNU

18.03.2022, In­ter­na­tional :

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences and the University of Mauritus (UOM) have concluded an agreement on an international student exchange programme.

The newly concluded agreement is based on a collaboration that has already existed for some time: The Cen­ter for Re­search on Ser­vice Sci­ences (CROSS) at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) conducts intensive research on topics related to innovative digital products. For example, the INFINITY project, which is funded by the BMBF and DAAD, is investigating how digital technologies can improve food security in Mauritius. To this end, researchers in Neu-Ulm and on Mauritius are working on solving various supply chain problems in the context of food supply in Mauritius by using technologies such as artificial intelligence or blockchain. The close and trustful cooperation on research level between the University of Mauritius (opens in a new window) deepens the institutional partnership and is the basis for the long-term student exchange.

HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser is very pleased about this: "The International Student Exchange Program with the University of Mauritius is a real enrichment and once again underlines the international orientation of the HNU. Our students should take advantage of the opportunity to gain valuable experience on a professional and personal level through exchange with others."

"We look forward to welcoming HNU students to the University of Mauritius as part of this innovative international exchange programme. Such exchange programmes are an important building block for the long-term intensification of academic exchange and intercultural understanding," said Prof. Dr. Dhanjay Jhurry, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Mauritius.

Students can apply for a semester abroad at the University of Mauritius through the International Office. Prof. Dr. Gewald, the initiator of the exchange program, said, "We are pleased to present another excellent international partner university to our students and look forward to a lively exchange, both in first-class teaching and in joint research."

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