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 Re­search activ­it­ies between HNU and Ir­a­nian part­ner uni­versity in­tens­i­fied

08.12.2020, In­ter­na­tional :

From 8 January to 8 July 2020, Zahra Meidani from the Iranian partner university Kashan University of Medical Sciences (KAUMS) was a visiting professor at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) as part of a sabbatical exchange. The aim of the stay was to strengthen the joint research activities between the Faculty of Health Management of the HNU and KAUMS, among other things through joint research proposals.

Zahra Meidani is an associate professor at Kashan University of Medical Sciences in Iran and conducts research in the field of Information Technology for Utilization Management in Health Care. Together with the team of the DigiHealth Institute of HNU she worked on a Master of Sciences project on usability testing of mobile applications during her stay. In another research project, they investigated together with HNU scientists:innen the factors that contribute to the acceptance of mobile devices by nurses. In addition, they wanted to establish contact with German funding organisations for medical and public health research in cooperation with the KAUMS.

Looking back, the Iranian scientist describes her stay as enriching both personally and professionally. She particularly emphasises the high level of commitment and the good cooperation with qualified staff and also emphasises the cultural sensitivity of the HNU.

About the person

Zahra Meidani graduated in 2012 with a degree in Health Information Management from the Tehran Medical University. Prior to her doctorate she worked as a lecturer at the Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences in Iran. She has published over 20 international articles in the fields of health information systems, documentation and disease classification and has written five books in the areas of management information systems, medical terminology and disease classification.  

President Feser and Iranian visiting professor Meidani at the HNU. (opens enlarged image)
President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser and the Iranian visiting professor Zahra Meidani at HNU in summer 2020.