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Paula in Peru

21.12.2022, Study Abroad :

HNU also cooperates with partner universities in Latin America. Paula took advantage of this offer and spent a semester in Peru.

Study Programme
8th Semester
Host Institution
Univ. San Ignacio de Loyola (USIL)
Lima, Peru
August to December 2022

What was your main motivation to go abroad?

My main motivation was to learn about a new culture and travel to a new country. I had never been to Latin America before, which is why I really wanted to visit this continent. Moreover, a semester abroad gives you the opportunity to get to know a country more intensively. By staying longer in one place, you get to know locals, see non-touristic places and the country from a completely different side than when travelling. I also really enjoy meeting new people from different cultures, which is definitely made possible by the international programme at the partner university.

Sure, there are ups and downs, but you definitely grow with it.


What were your biggest concerns? 

Since I was the only one from HNU who travelled to Lima, I was a bit worried. I had to arrange my flight, accommodation etc. completely on my own and could not coordinate with anyone. Travelling into the unknown all on your own is quite an accomplishment. But once I was there, I got to know a lot of people at the university. In addition, both the International Office at HNU and the USIL always answered all my questions and supported me.

Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

I would definitely recommend a stay abroad. It's a big challenge, but it offers the opportunity to get to know a country from all sides, make lots of new friends and also get to know a new university system. Sure, there are ups and downs, but you definitely grow with it. The important thing is to always be open to new things and to dare to approach others.

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

I learned that you can't always plan everything. Especially in Peru, everything is always very spontaneous, punctuality is not a priority and things usually turn out differently than planned. If you are used to the German order, this can sometimes be a bit challenging and I, as a rather impatient person, definitely had to learn to be more patient and let things come to me.

Were your expectations met?

In general, I didn't have too many expectations, because I wanted to go into the semester abroad with an open mind and let everything come to me. My expectations were therefore mainly to meet lots of new people and get to know Peruvian culture, and I definitely did. As far as the university was concerned, my semester abroad was not quite what I had imagined. Unfortunately, all my lectures were online, which is why I was only on campus a total of three times in the entire semester. I was a little disappointed at first, but the advantage was that we had the opportunity to travel a lot during the semester. Fortunately, there were no Covid restrictions other than the online classes, which meant that there were still many events (outside the university) and it was very easy to meet new people.

The Plaza de Armas in Lima is the oldest square in Lima and the most important sight in the capital.

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your experience abroad?

Once again, I would like to urge everyone who is thinking about going abroad to take the plunge. I had an incredibly wonderful, exciting and educational time in Lima and would do it again any time.

Fun Fact

Peru offers pretty much every type of landscape you can imagine. From rainforest to desert to snow-capped mountains, it's all there. Therefore, it is an incredibly great and diverse country to travel to.

Im­pres­sions of Peru