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Robin Renoth in Gal­way

14.04.2022, Train­ing :

Robin Renoth was in Galway, Ireland with the Staff Mobility Programme to complete a course. You can read all about his experience here.

Robin Renoth
Information Management
Course "Academic writing and presentation skills"
Host Institution
Atlantic Language Galway
Galway, Ireland
July 2022

What was your main motivation to go abroad?

I was abroad during my bachelor studies and made lots of good experiences with international people and culture. These positive experiences, the opportunity to get in touch with native English speakers and the current situation to use the addressed skills for progressing in my PhD-program motivated me to apply for the training of „academic writing and presentation skills“ in Galway, Ireland. Additionally, a colleague of the HNU also went to the same course. That was not the deciding point but a good bonus.

I can really recommend experiencing the country besides the course and getting in touch with locals and the regional scenery.

Robin Renoth

Did you have any concerns?

My biggest concern was regarding the flight to Ireland, because of the strikes at the airport and the development due to the situation around COVID-19. Luckily both aspects where no problem for the training and Ireland-trip. Another concern was the left-hand traffic in Ireland. We went by car from Dublin to Galway in a rental. It was quite challenging, but we managed it.

Would you recommend going abroad? Why?

I definitely recommend going abroad. It is impressive how many new experiences you can make abroad and how useful it can be to get in touch with people, who are not from your country. Furthermore, the training of speaking English is rather helpful for further international cooperation and communication. The experience of different cultures, opinions and views on life is an additional effect, which shapes your personality for the better.

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

Even if you use the staff mobility programme within Europe, there is the possibility to experience multiple different situations and meet interesting people, which can give a huge impact on your way of thinking or even living. During the stay in Galway, I met many friendly and welcoming people. It reminds you also how easy it can be to help foreigners and how helpful it can be just to give e. g. directions. 

A typical Irish breakfast

Were your expectations met?

Regarding the international visit and experiences the trip definitely met my expectations. Unfortunately, the level of the course “academic writing and presentation skills” did not fulfil my expectations. The tasks and exercises were more addressing a general English class than a focus on academic aspects. 

Fun Fact

Irish Breakfast is nothing for vegetarians. It is a whole lot of meat and I’m pretty sure the Irish don’t need any lunch after having an Irish Breakfast.

Im­pres­sions from Ire­land