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HNU IT Ex­ec­ut­ive Circle at Wie­land

16.05.2024, Trans­fer :

How can IT controlling be used to improve performance in companies? The members of the IT Executive Circle (ITEC) from the Institute for Digital Innovation (IDI) at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) met to discuss this question at Wieland in Ulm on April 30.

Best practices, discussions and impulses

After an impulse on the location and the target dimensions of IT controlling, the guests intensively discussed specific challenges and best practices. Christian Hefele, Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) at Handtmann, shared ideas and experiences on controlling IT operations. The presentation by Mark Bulmahn, CIO at Wilken AG, focused on the synergetic interfaces between innovation management and IT controlling. A particular highlight was the guided tour of Wieland's production facilities at the Ulm site.

ITEC members from numerous companies in the Ulm area meet twice a year to discuss current IT management issues. The focus is on current issues and practice-oriented recommendations for implementation are discussed. In addition to current scientific insights, the event is always an excellent platform for professional exchange between CIOs from the Ulm/Neu-Ulm region.

Are you a CIO/IT manager and interested in the ITEC? Then get in touch with Prof. Dr. Andy Weeger.

The participating companies included AL-KO Gardentech, Diehl Aviation, ERWIN HYMER GROUP, Handtmann Service GmbH & Co. KG, PERI, Schuler Group, SÜDPACK Group, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Uhlmann, Uzin Utz Group, Wieland Group, Wilken.