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New part­ner uni­versity in Kyoto be­comes HNU's 111th uni­versity part­ner

12.10.2023, In­ter­na­tional :

The HNU has attracted another Japanese university as a partner. Kyoto Sangyo University is our 111th international university partner and our third partner in Japan.

Starting with the next application round, HNU students can now apply for an exchange place in Kyoto (opens in a new window).

The demand for an exchange semester in Japan has increased continuously in recent years. "We are particularly pleased to be able to offer our students another exciting opportunity to study abroad." said Verena Seitz, Head of the International Office at the HNU.

HNU students have the choice of spending an exchange semester at one of 85 partner universities (opens in a new window) in 36 countries. A total of more than 450 tuition-free exchange places are available to students.