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Trans­fer , 10 October 2024

Vöhlinschloss University Centre, Schlossallee 25, 89257 Illertissen

Cor­por­ate and Mar­ket­ing Com­mu­nic­a­tions Con­gress

Congress Bridging Trends in Marketing & Corporate Communications

An HNU event with the kind support of the Ulm/Neu-Ulm Marketing Club

The "HNU CONNECT" congress is an event for anyone interested in practical topics in corporate and marketing communication! Immerse yourself in an inspiring atmosphere where ideas, knowledge and technologies meet and experience an exchange at eye level. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to expand your network and make valuable contacts between companies and students. You can look forward to exciting keynotes and presentations by leading marketing and communication professionals who will offer valuable insights and fresh perspectives. In addition, innovative companies will present themselves on site and offer the chance to talk directly and make valuable contacts in a speed dating session.

Register now and join us as we shape the future of corporate and marketing communication together!


13:00-13:15 Kick-off HNU CONNECT

Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann, Vice President of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Thomas Scheer, President of the Marketing Club Ulm / Neu-Ulm

Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Head of Information Management and Corporate Communications, Head of Competence Center Corporate Communications

13:15–13:45 Keynote "Weathering the storm: Communication in uncertain times"

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of communication in times of digital change. Find out how artificial intelligence and the human brain are changing the way we interact with each other and how companies can break new ground with disruptive communication strategies. Be inspired by innovative ideas and practical approaches that will help you to communicate authentically and transparently, even in uncertain times. 

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bihler, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, lecturer at the Faculty of Information Management (IM); Honorary Professor of Communication Science at the University of Hohenheim

Prof. Dr. Wilke Hammerschmidt, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Professor of PR and Marketing Communication, Head of the Corporate Communications Competence Center

Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

13:45-14:30 Lecture "Internal communication - game changer for SMEs"

The importance of internal communication for companies will continue to increase in the future, driven by several key factors that are profoundly changing the world of work. Internal communication is a decisive factor for the success of companies. It supports operational efficiency and adaptability, the corporate culture that will become central in the future, fostering engagement, loyalty and innovation. In a world characterized by rapid change and uncertainty, internal communication contributes to a company's ability to effectively reach and engage its employees. 

Kerstin Glanzer, BEURER GmbH, Head of Marketing

Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

14:30-14:45 Break & Networking

Take the opportunity to make new contacts and expand your network.

14:45-15:30 HowTo workshop "Corporate and personal branding on Linkedin: How to become visible and achieve your communication goals"

Would you like to take your visibility and that of your company to the next level? Position yourself as an attractive player on the job market? Exploit the full potential of Linkedln as a (business) communication tool? Then this how-to workshop is just right for you! Strategic branding and personal branding on Linkedln open up unique opportunities for you: Position yourself as a trusted player, make valuable business contacts and attract qualified talent. This workshop will provide you with Linkedln tips that you can implement immediately and the latest algorithm updates. In addition, tools and strategies will be presented to optimize your positioning and successfully achieve your (business) communication goals. 

Sarah Janina Dietenberger, Personal Brand & Social Media Manager, LinkedIn Consultant & Ghostwriter      

Prof. Dr. Wilke Hammerschmidt, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

15:30-16:15 Lecture "The strength lies in the middle - the role of communication between top and middle management in organizations undergoing change"

We live in times of complexity and uncertainty, in which proven work and value creation processes of commercial enterprises and other organizations are undergoing fundamental transformations. These are times in which trust as the most important resource for reducing complexity and as the basis for orientation and meaning (Niklas Luhmann) is coming under pressure. However, for change to succeed, good stakeholder relationships must be stabilized, both internally and externally. And organizational communication plays a key role both internally and externally. The tasks of top and middle management will be explained using practical examples. The aim is to show that management communication in times of change cannot be reduced to the communication of objectives and strategic challenges by the executive floor alone.

Ralf Langen, owner of cc:langen gmbh and      

Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

16:15-16:30 Break & Networking

Take the opportunity to make new contacts and expand your network.

16:30-17:00 Impulse keynote "How can AI benefit marketing and communication in SMEs?"

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers many advantages for SMEs in marketing and corporate communications. It can serve as a catalyst for innovative marketing and effective communication. AI enables companies to understand and reach their customers at a deeper level, optimize processes and respond to changes in the market faster and in a more informed way. AI can analyze large amounts of data: This includes identifying communication trends, optimizing marketing campaigns through predictive analytics and measuring the effectiveness of communication strategies. Such insights enable companies to continuously improve their communication.    

Dr. Michael Schmidtke, Vice President Content Flow & Digital Channels, Bosch        

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bihler, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

17:00-17:45 Expert panel "How can AI benefit marketing/communication in SMEs?"

Following the keynote, you can look forward to a moderated expert panel discussion on this topic. The focus will not be on theoretical perspectives, but on practical applications. You can look forward to in-depth insights into practical aspects of corporate and marketing communication. Panel participants are interesting experts from the business world who can share their own experience of the opportunities and challenges that artificial intelligence presents for SMEs.

Dr. Michael Schmidtke, Bosch, Vice President Content Flow & Digital Channels
Marc Fuchs, SWU Stadtwerke Ulm/Neu-Ulm GmbH, Head of Marketing and Communication
and other

Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Thomas Scheer, Marketing Club Ulm / Neu-Ulm

From 17:45 Closing and afterwards: stand, chat and enjoy

After the official part of the event, we cordially invite you to exchange ideas, make contacts and enjoy the evening in a relaxed atmosphere.


Offer for students and companies

Are you studying at HNU and want to broaden your career prospects? Then speed dating, which takes place parallel to HNU CONNECT, is just right for you! In our short speed dating sessions, you can get to know companies from the region and find out about jobs, internships, working student positions and final theses.

Why should you take part?

  • Networking:
    Make contacts with companies and find out first-hand what opportunities they offer.
  • Career opportunities:
    Discover potential employers and find out how you can shape your career after graduation.
  • Practical experience:
    Find out about internships and working student positions to gain valuable experience.
  • Final theses:
    Find exciting topics for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis.

Join us and take advantage of this unique opportunity! We look forward to seeing you at HNU CONNECT!