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Family as a success factor: HNU has been a member of the corporate programme for 15 years

09.09.2024, University News:

The compatibility of career and family is firmly anchored in the mission statement of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU). One of many measures is membership of the corporate network "Success Factor Family", which is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. With this programme, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs promotes the compatibility of career and family and supports employers in the implementation of a family-conscious personnel policy.

Family-friendliness as a hallmark of the German economy: this is the aim of the ‘Success Factor Family’ corporate network. The programme bundles information on the topic of family-friendly working and offers best practices, studies and guidelines on topics such as working time organisation or father-friendly personnel policy. Strategic cooperation with core partners such as the umbrella organisations of the German economy, trade unions and other industry and professional associations is intended to further promote a family-friendly working environment. This is because studies show that a good work-life balance has a positive influence on personnel recruitment. 

The HNU has been committed to work-life balance since its foundation and has been certified as a family-friendly university for many years. The HNU implements numerous measures, such as the services of the Advice and Information Centre for Parents, Personal and Social Affairs (BIZEPS), the Parent-Child Office and the affiliated day-care centre ‘Kinderinsel’. There is also a children's reading corner in the library, a mobile games corner and free meals for students' children.

"The continuous development of our family-orientated corporate culture is a central concern of HNU. With our membership in the "Success Factor Family" corporate programme, we not only benefit from numerous offers, but also from the exchange with other family-friendly companies and thus continue to invest in the future," says Vice President Prof. Dr Julia Kormann.

Logo of "Erfolgsfaktor Familie" (opens enlarged image)