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Trainer work­shop in Uganda: trans­form­at­ive part­ner­ships for sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment

24.05.2024, Study :

From practice for practice: From 5 to 14 May 2024, a train-the-trainer workshop initiated by Prof. Dr Dany Meyer, Prof. Dr Joerg Vogt and Prof. Dr Jürgen Grinninger from Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) on the integration of industry practice in universities of applied sciences in Uganda took place. The aim was to work together with future lecturers to develop how concrete practical relevance can be integrated into the teaching of the new Master's degree programme ‘Digital Logistics and Entrepreneurship’ at the renowned University of Western Cape in Cape Town and the Uganda Management Institute in Kampala. The three universities are jointly driving this project forward as part of the DAAD's SDG programme in order to enable the application-oriented and progressive training of supply chain managers. 

As a leading educational institution in East Africa, the Uganda Management Institute is known for its commitment to training the country's managers. With its many years of experience and reputation in the country, the institute provides an ideal platform for the realisation of the university project. The cooperation with HNU offers the Uganda Management Institute access to state-of-the-art practical teaching methods and innovative concepts in the field of digital logistics and entrepreneurship - a testament to HNU's long-standing commitment to global education and sustainable development.

Networking and cooperation plans for practice-oriented teaching

Through on-site visits during the stay, cooperation was established with various state institutions as well as with companies from the private sector, and joint projects and possible formats within the framework of practice-oriented teaching were identified. The HNU team visited companies in entire logistics chains - e.g. for the storage and distribution of medicines and medical products, starting from arrival at the airport in Entebbe at the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority (the state aviation authority), through storage and distribution by the National Medical Store (the state central warehouse for medical products) to distribution in the local community, e.g. in the Kisenyi Municipal Health Centre. Following on from this, local requirements for the new study programme and opportunities for cooperation were discussed. However, it was not only those involved in the logistics of medical products, but also foodstuffs - such as high-quality fish from Lake Victoria - that could be won over as cooperation partners. ‘It was impressive to see how constructively and enthusiastically the “practical teaching” project was received by the future teaching staff and local practice partners,’ said Prof Dr Dany Meyer, summing up the visit to Uganda. 

Advancing sustainable development together in the SDG project

This DAAD SDG project is an example of how educational institutions worldwide can work together to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. By integrating industry practice into academic teaching, not only students but also industry and society as a whole can benefit from the positive effects of this innovative Master's course.

The project is funded and supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).  

More about the project

Contact person
Prof. Dr. Dany Meyer

SDG Partnerships