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Cata­lyst for trans­fer at HNU: Trans­fer­journal shows In­noSÜD im­pact

05.04.2024, Trans­fer :

A look back with an outlook: The InnoSÜD joint project (2018-2022) has achieved a great deal at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) and laid the foundation for many of the activities that are currently visible. The now published InnoSÜD transfer journal presents the ideas and creative minds behind the HNU measures and shows the diverse roots the project has taken. 

Within the InnoSÜD joint project - which emerged from the "Innovative University" federal state programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research - HNU was responsible for the area of transformation management. Over the five years of the project, more than 50 employees in 14 sub-projects were able to create an innovative transfer environment that continues to have an impact today.

"With a lot of passion and pioneering spirit, the project participants have further developed knowledge and technology transfer at our university, tested it in a variety of contexts and consolidated it in successful formats," summarises HNU President Prof. Dr Uta M. Feser in the foreword to the journal. Vice President Prof. Dr Elmar Steurer emphasises the impact of the project on the university's transfer role: "Thanks to the learning processes initiated in InnoSÜD and the constant and critical reflection on the conditions for the success of transfer and transformation management, HNU was able to expand and consolidate its role as a regional transformation expert."

Marion Kracklauer and Ivanka Burger, who were responsible for implementing the project, emphasise that InnoSÜD has become a highly effective nucleus for the entire development of the HNU in the area of transfer and has brought about sustainable networking. For example, the university's current transfer strategy and the StartupSÜD joint project are based on the project findings. HNU's Transfer Innovation Prize, which was awarded for the first time this year, is another example.

To the transfer journal
HNU Transferjournal InnoSÜD.pdf - PDF (opens in a new window)(german)

Contact person
Ivanka Burger

Transformation management topic area meeting 22/06/2020 (opens enlarged image)
Transformation management topic area meeting 22/06/2020