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Prac­tical pro­ject on di­gital trans­form­a­tion at Teva

07.02.2024, Study :

Students on the Digital Healthcare Management Master's course at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) are working on the digital transformation of Teva's Commercial Operations department in Prof. Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz's Innovation Project course. For two semesters, this practical project revolves around the use of AI and the optimization of data-driven processes in the area of customer service.

In addition to an analysis of existing data-driven processes in the areas of Customer Care and Regulatory Affairs, the students investigated the use of AI technologies and other scenarios of data-driven processes for customer centricity. In teams of four to five Master's students each, the students worked on one of the two subject areas and presented their initial results at the interim review on January 23.

Christan Behncke, Senior Director Commercial Operations at Teva, and Sandra La Rossa, who is responsible for Event & Process Excellence, were impressed by the results. "The students have comprehensively familiarized themselves with the complex topics and then developed and presented various promising approaches. We are already very excited about the final results!" said Christian Behncke.

In addition to numerous discussions with the people responsible at Teva, online research, questionnaires and interviews with employees from both divisions rounded off the project work to date. In addition, the students presented specific systems and tools that can further increase the degree of automation of the processes.

In the next semester, the focus will be on testing the feasibility of the approaches developed.