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HNU researches health app for older people

24.01.2024, Research:

Making the digitalization of healthcare accessible for all age groups - this is what Prof. Dr. Heiko Gewald's research team at the Institute for Digital Innovation (IDI) at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) is contributing to. Using the health app MELLI, the scientists are investigating the requirements of people of retirement age in special usability tests. The aim is to increase the motivation of patients to actively participate in their medical treatments in order to increase their success.

The health app "MELLI - My Life and I" developed at the HNU is aimed at senior citizens and can not only support their self-management, but can also be integrated into the general practitioner's treatment strategy. In several tests in the HNU's own usability lab, research assistant Kathrin Kim has already used the app with senior citizens to find out how users interact with the app and which of the support services offered are used.

App also suitable for people with little technical experience

The test subjects naturally include people with physical disabilities and people who have not yet had any contact with smartphones. This enables the project team to capture the special needs of an ageing society as broadly as possible and incorporate them into the further development of the MELLI app.

The results so far already show that even less technically experienced senior citizens can easily find their way around the app and are very satisfied with their user experience.

Researching the need for explanations about the app

By researching the basic use of such an app, MELLI serves as a platform for researchers at the Institute for Digital Innovation at HNU to work on in-depth research questions. For example, the question of the necessity, type and scope of E