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Christ­mas Lec­ture of the Fac­ulty of Busi­ness Ad­min­is­tra­tion and Eco­nom­ics

22.12.2023, Study :

 "Ho-Ho-Hashtags - A social media strategy for Santa Claus" - this was the motto of the Christmas lecture of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU). On December 19, prospective students and HNU students gathered in the lecture hall, where a special atmosphere was created by Christmas treats such as punch and Christmas cookies.

The main topic of the lecture was social media marketing: Santa Claus stood metaphorically for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This metaphor was deliberately chosen to give the future graduates an insight into a significant career field in which their expertise will be crucial.

Prof. Dr. Barbara Dannenmann emphasized: "Our intention was not to provide a standardized social media recipe. Rather, we wanted to teach our guests to think flexibly and creatively and to incorporate relevant variables into their future strategies."

Creative thinking was also applied to the promotion of the event. "The topic of the Christmas lecture was teased via Tiktok and Instagram using a series of four consecutive episodes in which Santa Claus asked Professor Dannenmann for support with social media marketing," says Stephanie Jordan, research assistant and co-lecturer of the Christmas lecture. The end of the story was told in the Christmas lecture.

The Christmas lecture of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics was organized by Prof. Dr. Barbara Dannenmann, Head of the Master Advanced Management course.

The participants of the Christmas Lecture. (opens enlarged image)