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First all-gender toi­lets at HNU

09.11.2023, Press Release :

With the first all-gender toilets, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) is setting another example for a non-discriminatory environment. At the request of the student representatives and the HNU Diversity Officer, two cubicles in the HNU library have been rededicated accordingly.

The all-gender toilets are located on the lower floor of the library, where a wide range of literature on the topic of diversity is currently on display. Since the winter semester 2023 / 2024, there have been two cubicles equipped with hygiene products.

"Everyone should have the opportunity to use a toilet that is not tied to a fixed gender and where they feel comfortable," says HNU Diversity Officer Fabian Girschick. The HNU student representatives actively campaigned for all-gender toilets - a project that he was happy to support and implemented together with Barbara Mäule-Müller, Head of the HNU Library. "By installing these all-gender toilets, we have taken another important step towards creating a non-discriminatory environment," continued Girschick.

The members of the student representatives are also very happy about this step: "As student representatives, we are committed to all students. This also includes including all those who cannot be clearly assigned to one gender. A first step is the all-gender toilet in our library," said Vanessa Stumpf. "We are pleased that this has now worked in cooperation with the university and hope that the offer will be well received," added Jessica Ril.

Measures already taken to ensure a non-discriminatory environment include the creation of an anti-discrimination policy and the implementation of a "Pride Week" in the summer semester 2023 at HNU, which included an exhibition on diversity in the foyer of the A building lasting several days.

HNU promotes diversity and appreciation. All employees and students should experience this appreciation - regardless of age, ethnic origin and nationality, gender and gender identity, physical and mental abilities, religion and ideology, sexual orientation and social background.

Jessica Ril (left) and Vanessa Stumpf in front of the all-gender toilets on a blue wall. (opens enlarged image)
Jessica Ril (left) and Vanessa Stumpf von der Studierendenvertretung campaigned for the all-gender toilets.