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"First-year stu­dents gain prac­tical busi­ness ex­per­i­ence in a cor­por­ate man­age­ment game

29.09.2023, Study :

Entrepreneurial action, making business decisions and a lot of teamwork: In the first-semester business game, the new students at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) and the students of the cooperative degree programs with Ulm University of Applied Sciences (THU) each ran a fictitious company in groups competing against each other. The first-semester business game took place as part of the orientation phase from September 28 to 29 at HNU.

The students' task is to work in a team as company management on business tasks and problem areas and to make appropriate decisions. In doing so, they are supported by tutors. The goals of entrepreneurial action should be, in addition to profit maximization, the achievement of a secure market position and a positive employment policy. The goal is to survive in competition while generating the highest possible profit.

Prof. Dr. Marlon Füller, who was involved in organizing the business game, says: "The business game lays a solid foundation in business administration, which lays the foundation for more in-depth studies and will be further developed later in your studies."

Prof. Dr. Stefan R. Mayer, who is also responsible for organizing and supervising the business game, adds: "While learning basic business processes, students also have the opportunity to get to know each other better. Often, friendships are formed that last beyond the studies and enrich the social network."

In addition to new contacts and initial practical experience, the students were also able to win prizes such as cinema vouchers, bowling or bouldering vouchers, which were presented at the awards ceremony by Jonas Liewald from the student council.

The business game was very well received by the students: "At the beginning, it wasn't so easy to find my way around and understand the business background. But gradually I was able to get to grips with it and it was really fun," said one student. "I really like working in a team and you develop a real ambition for your fictitious company! You also pick up some business basics along the way," adds the student sitting next to you.

The business simulation at HNU is a compulsory event for all Bachelor's students, with the exception of the Physician Assistant program and part-time continuing education programs.