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Strength­en­ing strengths: HNU uses higher edu­ca­tion con­tract to shape and se­cure fu­ture

22.09.2023, Press Release :

The Higher Education Agreement, in which Neu-Ulm University (HNU) sets out its individual goals for the future viability of the university in coordination with the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWK), was signed by HNU Vice President Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann on September 21. At the end of June, the Bavarian universities had already signed the framework agreement, which set out overarching goals for science policy and university funding from 2023 to 2027.

From the further development of teaching to the enhancement of research reputation and the intensification of start-up and transfer activities to the expansion of digitization: The Higher Education Agreement fleshes out the ten fields of action defined in the "Framework Agreement on Higher Education 2023 to 2027 - Agility, Excellence and Innovation for Bavaria's Higher Education Landscape" for the implementation of Bavaria-wide higher education policy objectives. In addition, it defines the services that are conducive to the strategic profiling of HNU in order to enable an individual focus.

Innovation and internationality

The defined goals are binding, but the contract offers freedom to use HNU's individual strengths and sharpen its profile. For several years now, HNU has been steadily developing with future-relevant and demand-oriented degree programs and continuing education courses, as well as addressing prospective students in a gender-sensitive manner. In line with the HNU culture, the focus is on appreciative interaction with one another and intensive cooperation with practical partners. The university aims to make its study conditions even more attractive by offering additional practical projects and further innovative courses. As an international business school, HNU will continue to use its international networks to provide innovative impetus in teaching, research and transfer.

Forward-looking research, sustainable entrepreneurship and digital transformation

In the area of research, HNU has continuously expanded its activities in recent years despite intensified competition for third-party research funding and the best minds, and has also produced excellent young scientists. The university is intensifying its research activities on tomorrow's challenges in business and society - also beyond the region. In the regional start-up ecosystem, HNU will continue to act as a relevant player and focus even more on supporting start-up projects. In addition, HNU has set itself the goal of further advancing the digitalization of internal processes.

Shaping and securing the future

"With the signing of the university contract, the Bavarian Ministry of Science and HNU are ushering in a new phase of jointly shaping and securing the future," says HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser. "The now concretized goals are a clear commitment to mastering the complex challenges of our time and go hand in hand with our profile and strategy development."

In the wake of the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG), which came into force on January 1, 2023, the framework agreement and the higher education agreements replace the previous agreements between the StMWK and Bavarian universities. The aim of the BayHIG is to give the universities, universities of applied sciences, art colleges and university clinics in the Free State more creative freedom and even greater autonomy.