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Higher Education Framework Agreement - Future Planning for the Universities in Bavaria signed

30.06.2023, Press Release :

The framework agreement between the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts (StMWK) and the Bavarian universities, which sets out overarching goals for science policy and university funding from 2023 to 2027, has been signed. HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser signed the agreement on 29 June in Munich. The conclusion of the bilateral higher education agreements, which define the individual goals for each higher education institution, will now follow soon.

The Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG) has been in force since 1 January 2023, in the course of which the previous agreements between the StMWK and the Bavarian universities - the innovation alliance and the target agreements - have been replaced by a framework agreement and university contracts. The aim of the BayHIG is to give the universities, universities of applied sciences, art colleges and university clinics in the Free State further freedom and even more autonomy.

"Setting the strategic course" in central fields of action  

In the first step, the overarching, five-year framework agreement (opens in a new window), which will run from 1 January 2023, has now been signed. Based on the state objectives and the BayHIG, it comprises three central fields of action (HF) and seven cross-cutting fields, which the universities will address in the future: The attractiveness and quality of study and teaching as well as the expansion of innovative teaching formats are addressed in the RF "Study and Teaching, Continuing Education". The "Research" RF aims to expand research success and strengthen research reputation; and the "Impact on society and transfer" RF will promote start-up activities and science communication. In the accompanying cross-sectional fields, goals are formulated in areas such as internationalisation, digitisation and sustainability. The university's performance in all fields of action and cross-sectional fields will be assessed using outcome-oriented indicators.

Driving force for the further development of the Bavarian higher education landscape

"With their application orientation and innovative strength, our universities have decisively advanced Bavaria as a science location in recent years," said HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser. "After intensive discussions, the new agreement now provides a jointly supported basis for building on this success and further increasing the attractiveness of our universities."

The framework agreement forms the basis for the university contracts to be signed shortly, in which each state university in Bavaria agrees on individual goals with the StMWK.

More about the Framework Agreement
Press release of the StMWK (opens in a new window)
Download of the Framework Agreement  (opens in a new window)

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Minister President Dr Markus Söder (front, 8th from left), Minister of Science Markus Blume (front, 7th from left) and Minister of Education Michael Piazolo (front, 9th from left) with the heads of Bavarian universities and university hospitals; front, 3rd from right: HNU President Prof. Dr Uta M. Feser (Photo: StMWK/Alexandra Beier)