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"Become a Professor!" campaign: HNU female professors inform interested parties about career profile

21.03.2023, University News:

Becoming a professor - but how? Last Wednesday, an online information event at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) offered interested women the opportunity to find out more about the career path of professorship and to learn more about the formal requirements, the appointment process and everyday working life in a direct exchange with female HNU professors.

Almost 100 women took part in the virtual information event "Werde Professorin!" (Become a professor!), which HNU hosted in cooperation with the State Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunity Officers at Bavarian Universities (LaKoF Bayern). Women with very different backgrounds and from equally different disciplines made the virtual journey to HNU to learn about the job description of a HAW professor and the admission requirements for this position.

They were welcomed by HNU Women's Representative Professor Dr. Claudia Kocian-Dirr and her colleague Dr. Felicitas Meifert-Menhard, who heads the Women.Doing.Science program for young female scientists at the university. In addition to detailed information and input on the most important topics related to becoming an HAW professor, the event offered participants a special opportunity to exchange ideas with female professors at HNU in breakout sessions and to ask them the questions that were burning under their very personal nails. Professors Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger, Prof. Dr. Julia Künkele, Prof. Dr. Judith Mantz and Prof. Dr. Erica Weilemann, together with Prof. Dr. Kocian-Dirr, answered the questions of the interested women and gave them many valuable insider tips.

The success of the event was proven not only by the enthusiastic personal feedback of the participants, but also by the rating of 1.2 in a snap poll at the end of the round. And for some participants, "Become a Professor!" at HNU was even the impetus to actually tackle a career as an HAW professor: "Thank you very much for the great event last night. Thanks to your motivation, I sent my application [...] yesterday." The team of the Women's Representative wishes good luck!

Prof. Dr. Claudia Kocian-Dirr  
Dr. Felicitas Meifert-Menhard

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Virtual information event "Become a professor!" at HNU