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Theme week edu­ca­tion and train­ing: The Cen­ter for Con­tinu­ing Edu­ca­tion on Re­gio TV

28.02.2023, Post­gradu­ate :

Learn everything you need to know about the benefits of continuing education at Neu-Ulm University (HNU) in just three and a half minutes: This is made possible by a short video about the offerings of the Center for Continuing Education (ZfW), which was filmed for an education theme week on Regio TV.

The ZfW is a partner and advisor for professionals who want to continue their academic education, but also for companies and organizations that are looking for suitable continuing education for their employees: Part-time, accredited degree programs, certificate courses and customized educational programs prepare students for leadership positions and management activities and impart specialist knowledge. At the same time, the contemporary continuing education concepts ensure a high degree of compatibility with work and private life.

As part of last week's "Training and Further Education" theme week on Regio TV, these benefits of the ZfW have now been professionally showcased: On the HNU campus, in the Center for Continuing Education and in the Innovation Space of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, a three-and-a-half-minute video was created that gives an insight into the diverse courses and degree programs of continuing education.

Among others, the course directors of the continuing education can be seen, who also answer questions in an interview: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister, Vice President of Continuing Education, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hänichen, Program Director MBA General Management and Prof. Dr. Jens Kolb, Program Director B.A. Management Digitalization and Sustainability. 

The clip can be found in the Regio-TV media library at

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister

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Video shoot in the Innovation Space at HNU